Chapter 13

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When the train stopped we ran off then he slung me back on his back. “If me being on your back hurts you don’t have to carry me I can walk.” “Oh its totally fine I’ll be you shofar then you can walk when we get to our destination.” Okay that worked for me. We walk up and out of the train station and we are immediately bombarded with beauty. “Wow Paris is beautiful.” I exclaim looking around. “Yeah it sure is.” We just stand there for a couple minutes till he starts to walk god only knows where. As we turn a corner I ask “Harry where are we goin--” I was cut off mid way with the site that I have always dreamed of seeing ever since I was a little girl. When he noticed my pure astonishment he set me down. I just starred and starred because standing before me was none other than the Eiffel Tower. “Oh WoW its even prettier in person.” I stand there just looking at it in aw. Then Harry grabs my hand and we stroll closer to it till we are right up to it. It was getting cold so I stay close to Harry his body generating heat. We stair at the monument for about 5 mins before an elderly lady says “Aww what a beautiful couple would you like me to take your picture?” “Actually we--” I tried to correct her. “Would love that thank you” Harry cut me off. He didn’t even mind the people calling us a couple even though we weren’t. “Jump” He was signaling me to jump into his arms. So I did. I jumped up swinging my arms around his neck and he caught my legs bridal style. Then the lady took the picture. “Thank you so much” Harry said as he retrieved his phone. “Oh anytime dearies. I remember when I first feel in love with my husband. We were actually in this same exact spot. He took me here on our first vacation together and he asked me to go steady with him, which meant go out with in my time. Maybe its fate. You know they don’t call this the city of love for nothing.” The little old lady said before strolling off. That was such a sweet story. “She seemed sweet.” I exclaim. “Yeah she seems like she knows what she’s talking about.” By this time the sun is actually starting to go down but it isn’t that late. “What do you mean?” I ask as I grab his hand and we stroll over to the center of it so everyone is walking around us but we are just in piece in the middle of the Eiffel Tower not being bothered. “Well I guess I think that it could be fate that she met her true love at this very spot maybe we will meet ours.” He looks down almost like he is embarrassed for being mushy. I tilt his chin so he is forced to look into my eyes and I tell him “Has anyone ever told you that you look cute when you blush?” the same thing that he told me with in the first week we met. This causes him to blush harder which only makes me bust into fits of giggles. And I run away through the crowd to see if he can follow me. Which he immediately does. I get really scared when people follow me so I run faster which only makes him run faster. Then I finally make it out of the crowd and run to the grass lawn out in front of the tower. I stop for a second to catch my breath, which probably isn’t the best idea because he takes the opportunity to grab me by the waist from behind and lift me over his shoulder. “AHAHAHHH HARRY LET ME DOWN.” I say as I kick. But I can’t stop giggling. Finally he lets me down and all the blood rushes back up to my head, which causes me to fall over. But just before I hit the ground I felt two sturdy arms around me waist. Then set me gently down on the grass. I open my eyes and find Harry laying down close next to me looking into my eyes. “Its funny how when ever I’m with you I fall.” “Well what can I say? I am known for making the ladies week kneed.” He said cheekily and tousled his curls to one side. I laugh. “I wasn’t talking about legit falling. Even though I do quite a bit of that to. I mean every time I’m with you or around you I feel like a new and free spirited person. Some thing that I have never felt before. It’s almost magical. Sorry I just thought you should know.” I turn my head away. Then Harry does something I didn’t expect him to do. He stands up and puts his hands out to help me out and he grabs my hand and he starts jogging. I can jog a little even though my foot was still in a cast I could jog in it. “Harry what’s going on?”  I question. I think he has gone just about mad. Then after jogging for about 3 blocks he stops abruptly and when I look at him to see what had gotten into him he is staring strait a head with the largest grin I had ever seen spread across his face. When I follow his gaze my jaw drops to the floor. Oh My Gosh!! I look back to him with a beaming smile. “Oh my gosh you remembered.” “How could I forget your favorite place?”

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