Chapter 6

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About ten minutes after I end the conversation with the mystery guy my mom yells “ARLEY YOUR FRIEND HARRY IS HERE!” oh goodness that’s kind of embarrassing but what ever. I walk down stairs to see Harry awkwardly talking to my parents. My dad is busy giving him the talk being the protective dad that he is. “Hi. Mom Dad, leave him alone!” I say interrupting my parents. “Arley its okay I understand where your dad is coming from he just cares about and I respect that. I would never hurt her Mr. and Mrs. Harrison.” My dad and Harry shake hands. What the hell? Its not like we were together why are they making a huge fuss? This is ridiculous. “He’s a keeper Arley.” My parents yell to me as we walk away. “I am so sorry for my parents. They are sorta protective me being the only girl in my family I am always in a bubble. I am actually surprised they let us be in my room alone.” I sigh. “Oh its totally cool. I think all parents are protective.” We walk into my room and grab my script. “Okay so do you wanna start rehearsing?” I ask flipping to the starting page. “Damn I forgot my script at home would you mind sharing?” “Oh yeah that’s fine. Lets start with your line ‘I take thee at thy word…’” “I take thee at thy word:

Call me but love, and I'll be new baptized. Henceforth I never will be Romeo.” “What man art thou that thus bescreen’d in night So stumblest on my council?” (more lines) Romeo: “O, wilt thou leave me so unsatisfied.” Juliet: “What satisfaction canst thou have to-night?” Romeo kisses Juliet. Oh no this is the part that I have been dreading the whole time. The kiss, I have never had my first kiss. I know it sounds lame but it is true. I am a senior and I have never been kissed. I can’t tell him this though because then he might make fun of me. But I don’t think I’m ready for this kiss right now. I want to have it because I feel the love and passion, not for a school project or grade. I just wish he understood this. And as if he was reading my mind he says “We don’t have to kiss if your not ready I totally understand.” Aw that’s so sweet I thought. We are now only a couple inches apart because we had to share a book. This making the moment even more dramatic. I look into his crystal green eyes. They were so amazing they just hypnotized me. For about a minute we just stared each other in the eyes. Then I noticed both of us started getting close to each other. And closer and closer till there was a little bit less then an inch between our faces but we were still looking in each others eyes. This might sound really lame but in the moment it was almost magical. “ARLEY!!!!!!” My brother comes screaming into my room then realizing what he just walked into stopped and stared at the both of use and then ran out screaming “DAD!! DAD!! GUESS WHAT ARLEY WAS DOING!!!” Wow for being a 18 year old he acted like he was legit 5. I get up and sprint from my bed “WILL YOUR SUCH A TWAT!! IT WASN’T WHAT IT LOOKS LIKE!!” I say full on sprinting towards him then just when I get close enough I jump on him and tackle him to the ground. “Will, we weren’t doing anything why do you have to be such a arse?” I say extremely pissed off still pinning him to the ground. “What is going on you two?” my dad walks in full-blown shitty mood. “I saw Arley and Harry kissing!” “That’s not true!! Dad you have to believe me! We never kissed!” “Arley you know how I feel about boys and you disobeyed me. Say good bye to Harry I think its time for him to go home.” “But Dad--” “NO BUTTS!” ughhh I stomp back to my room slam the door then fall onto my bed. Thank goodness Harry moved from the bed or I would probably fell on him. Wait where is Harry? He is gone. I see a sticky note on my computer. I heard you and your dads fight. I really don’t mean to cause any harm. So I decided to head out. I had a really fun time! I wish we could continue ;) P.S. I couldn’t help but notice that dress you have hanging up. Its quite pretty, if you don’t have any other occasion to wear it to you could wear it to my party on the 13th of December. Hope to see you there. –Haz.

What is happening? It seems like Harry has like changed into a nice caring person really fast. Maybe he was just doing the good boy act to get a good part in the play. When we go back to school he will probably go back to ignoring me. Why was he being so kind to my parents and me anyways? He actually started to sound convincing. I have known Harry for a couple years now but we had never been anything more then acquaintances in the hallway. Now he’s acting like we have known each other forever. Whatever, I’ll go with it. He just better not be messing with my head.

“Arley. What the hell were you thinking?” my dad comes bursting into my room guns a blazing (expression. No guns are used). “Dad we didn’t do anything it was no big deal. Will just wanted me to get in trouble.” I said trying to plead my case. Oh how I am going to kill that boy. “Well to make sure it never ever happens I forbid you to see this boy ever again. If I see you with him you will be punished.” “DAD. YOU’RE TOTALLY OVER REACTING NOTHING HAPPENED AND NOTHING WAS GOING TO HAPPEN. WHY DO YOU HAVE TO SMOTHER ME SO MUCH?? UGHHH” “ARLEY I KNOW WHAT BOYS ARE HIM ARE LIKE. THEY ALL JUST WANT ONE THING AND IT ISNT YOUR HEART.” “DAD YOU DON’T KNOW THAT HE IS LIKE THAT. YOUR JUDGING HIM EVEN THOUGH YOU JUST MET HIM. THAT’S NOT FAIR.” “Well Arley life sometimes just isn’t fair. Get over it.” “UGHHHHH” I scream as he slams me shut in my room. What a dick head he could be some times. I get up and log on to my computer. I need to vent my feelings. I see that BakeryBoy41 is back online. ‘Hey’ I say. ‘I really need someone to talk to.’ I don’t know why I am letting all my feelings to this person that I have never met and they could be a total creep but I didn’t care I needed to talk to someone and I think Darcy and Ellie are still pissed that I didn’t tell them about Harry. ‘Okay I’m all ears. Well not ears cause were typing but you know what I mean ;)’  ‘Haha yeah so here is my situation. There’s this guy and we were working on schoolwork but my dad thought we were doing something else and he threw him out. And he always keeps me suffocated in this bubble and its so annoying. What should I do?’ ‘Well I think that your dad just cares which is really nice because someday you will leave your house and go off to college and he may not be around and care as much. But with the whole kicking the guy out of the house thing. I am pretty sure he is cool with it. If he is a good guy we will understand where your dad is coming from.’ Wow he sounds really wise. ‘You know what your right. I guess I’m just over reacting. Why do I even care so much its not like I like him so why should I care?’ ‘Well in my opinion it sounds like you care about him more than you give yourself credit for. If you really didn’t care you might not think so much about what he thinks and how he feels.’ ‘Ughh I am a mess. Thanks for your impute it helped a lot. J’ ‘Anytime’ He really did help a lot. 

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