Chapter 17

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We weren’t talking much but it was a comfortable silence that felt right. A chill breeze rolled in as we were walking. I couldn’t help but shiver as the cold crisp fall air danced across my face. “Are you cold? Do you want my jacket?” Harry questioned. “I’m okay I just had a chill. Thank you though.” “Okay.” He said as we walked into the park entrance. “Hey maybe if we run around we could get warm.” Harry suggested. “Wanna play tag?” he said like an excited little kid. “Sure.” Then faster than I could comprehend what was going on Harry tagged me and shrieked “TAG YOUR IT!” and runs away like a little kid running scared from a clown. “Hahaha” I laugh as I sprint in the direction he ran off in. I follow him right on his toes up onto the play structure and down the slide. When I got to the bottom I didn’t see him. Damn he got away. I look around the structure but he is nowhere to be found. I decide to take a rest to see if he will give up and come out of hiding. I sit down and huddle up because for some reason it is getting really cold. It was nice 5 minutes ago. Well that’s England for you, weather is like always PMSing. I just sit here for like 9 minuets. Where is that boy? Did he ditch me? No he wouldn’t do that. Would he? Before I can continue my thought, a warm cloth is placed across my shoulders. What the? I look up to see Harry. He was jacketless. “Harry you are going to freeze!!” I say and try to give his jacket back. But he denies and puts his hands up. “Nope I am fine. You need it more than I do.” I give in and push my arms through the holes and snug up into his giant jacket. So I was now wearing a sweatshirt and a jacket, Harry was jacketless and yet I was still freezing. Then Harry sits next to me and wraps and arms around me and pulls me up to him so I am surrounded by his warmth. I rest my head on his chest for like 10 minuets before he breaks the silence and asks, “Hey wanna see a movie?  I hear the Toy Story 3 just came out want to see it?” The truth is that I never saw the other Toy Story’s but I decided not to mention that. “Yeah lets go” I say and jump up. “Hey I have an idea. How about we race to the theaters and who ever gets there last has to buy the other pop corn.” Harry contemplated this for a second then before I could answer he sprinted off in the direction of the theaters. Oh that’s how we wants to play it? Game on!? I start sprinting out of the park within seconds after him. We swerve around people walking on the sidewalk and I almost trip over a mini dog but I manage to jump at the last second. “Ahh!!!” I scream as I almost run into a baby stroller. I am still on Harry’s heels but he had to swerve to the side because a man on a bike was coming at him at full speed. I couldn’t help but laugh. Then I realized that this was a perfect opportunity to pass him. I sprint past him and around the corner. I just had to make it one more block and this was the busiest street. But I was really close to the theater. I stop for a second to contemplate my next move then all of a sudden I see a flash of brown curls as Harry passed me. Oh no!! I sprint after him and we are so close. At the last minuet I sprint as fast as I possible could which was enough to win. “WOOOWOOOWWW I WINN!!!! BOW DOWN TO ME STYLES!!!!” “Hey don’t get to cocky!! I let you win!” “Haha sure you did. Now I would like a large popcorn with extra butter.” I say giving him a smug grin. He snottily passes me and bumps my shoulder as he walks by me to the popcorn stand. Once he gets my popcorn we get our tickets and go into the theater. We had the whole theater to our self because it was a school day for everyone else. “Yess!! I love having the theater to our self!!” “Why?” I say taking a huge hand full of popcorn and stuffing it in my mouth. “Because we can talk and laugh and text during the movie and no one will yell at us. And we can do this.” I look up to see what he was talking about when 10 warm buttery and salty pieces of popcorn come flying at my face. Oh he was going down. We each had our ammo aka popcorn bags and we placed each other at each ends of the theater. Me at the top him at the bottom. We were playing capture the drink, popcorn edition. Where the drink was in the middle aisle and we had to get it before someone pelts you with pop corn. “BOCK BOCK ARE YOU CHICKEN?!!?!” I torment Harry because he wouldn’t come out from behind his theater chair. “HEY JUST REMEMBER THAT YOU ARE CROUCHED BEHIND THE CHAIR TWO!!” Oh damn I kinda forgot that. Since I am not a wimp I slowly creep around my chair and down the stairs closer to the drink. And by this time I was actually quite thirsty so I had a reason to want it. I slowly but quietly make my way down. But I didn’t see Harry anywhere. Wow am I really getting scared about getting attacked by pop corn? I feel really lame right now. I decide to make a life changing decision (sarcasm) and run for it. I swiftly run down the couple more stairs and as I turn to run into the aisle where the drink is sitting safely in the cup holder there is a tugging around my ankle. “AHH” I scream as I plummet to the ground. “Harry!!” I shout as I see him getting up and running over to the drink. No! I am the winner here. I get up and sprint but obviously not fast enough because right before I grab it Harry snatched it and takes the last sip. When he is finished he throws it behind him. “Mmm… refreshing.” He says cheekily. “You win this time Styles but I will get you next time!” I warn him. He just scoffs in response and I stick out my tongue at him. “HEY WHAT DO YOU TO THINK YOUR DOING?!” the manager of the theater, screams as he comes running in. I look to Harry and he just looks me in the eyes and mouths ‘RUN’ and it didn’t take long for me to comply because we sprint out of the theater faster than you can say ‘busted’ “HEY IM NOT DONE WITH YOU TWO! COME BACK HERE!!” the man screams at us as he runs after us. I turn around to see how close he was to us and when I turn back I flip over a trash bin. “AHH SHIT!!” I scream as I fall to the ground. My foot still hurting from when it got kicked. Then all of a sudden two strong arms come scooping me up and we continue to run out of there. When we run out and around the corner he lets me down. “Thanks Harry” I say. “Ay it was no problem. But that was extremely funny how that man chased us like what would done if he caught us? Made us clean up our mess? Yeah right.” We laughed. I had to admit it was quite a funny series of events. “We should probably head back home!” “Yeah. Race?” he cheekily smiles at me. But before I give him an answer I sprint off this time leaving him in the dust.

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