Chapter 2

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When we get to class were almost the last ones accept for the “populars” whom usually arrive as the bell rings. We take our seats, which to our advantage are in a kind of triangle. Me and Darcy sitting next to each other and Ellie behind me. We very much like this arrangement cause it’s easy to pass notes. And as if right on queue the bell rings and the Populars walk in. If this were a movie it would have been in slow motion. They travel in a pack like wolves. Being led by Colin and Skylar then leading up to the main populars Harmony Fontana and Harry Styles. Those were the couples of the school they had been since anyone can remember. And let me just tell you right now according to every girl in the whole school Harmony and Skylar were luckiest girls in the entire world. Which they pretty much were their families had it all, which meant that they had it all. “Good morning class.” Mr. Dillon greeted the class. “Good morning Mr. Dillon” we all moaned tiredly. “Wow so enthusiastic. You guys must have been partying to hard last night! Speaking of parties Harry how was your annual back to school party? I heard it was 10x better than last year.” “Yeah it was alright.” Harry said relaxed but with a smirk across his face that said he knew it was amazing. Me, Darcy and Ellie never got invited to those types of parties. Those were only for the populars and there friends. Not that we really cared. “So today class we are reading one of Shakespeare’s plays and we are going to act out scenes from it! How exciting is that!!” Oh God Romeo & Juliet! Isn’t there a kissing scene in that oh I so don’t want to be assigned to that scene! “So I am going to pear you off into boy and girl pairs. You will come to the front of the class and I shall give you a color and who ever has that color is your pair. Got it!” My heart was racing! I am so nervous please dear Lord put me with someone I don’t totally detest. “Arley” Mr. Dillon called my name and I made my way to the front of the class. When I got to him he handed me a slip of paper and told me not to open it till he says to. So I took it back to my seat still shaking from anxiousness. “Okay guys you can look at your card in 3…2…1! I slowly opened my piece of paper to reveal the letters R.E.D. Okay I’m a red thanks not so bad! That is my favorite color after all so maybe that’s good luck. “Okay guys now walk around and try and find your pair.” “Darcy what color are you?” “I’m Blue” “Ellie what color are you?” “I’m orange.” “Okay” I stood up and walked around the classroom asking people if they were red and no one was so I decided to head back to my seat and wait till everyone else was paired to find mine. “Everyone find there pair?” A majority of the class nodded. “Okay one member of your group say what your color is and who your partner is when I call on you.” Oh well I guess this was an easy way to find out. I started to daydream when he called Ellie. “ We are orange and my partner is Colin.” Oh she got Colin I wonder what she thinks about that? I started to get lost in my own thoughts again till I heard. “I’m a Red and I don’t know who my partner is.” Red oh wait that’s me! “Well who else is red?” Mr. Dillon asked and that was it, my time to come forward. I slowly put my hand up. “Arley. Okay Harry, Arley is your partner.” No. No. No. NO! He didn’t say Harry. He didn’t. I quickly pinch myself to see if I was daydreaming still. I slowly looked back to where he usually sits and there he was with that devilish smirk that sliced like daggers. Those shocking emerald green eyes looking into my milk chocolate ones. This cannot be happening. I turned back around and slumped in my seat taking a deep breath. “Okay what I am passing out is your script. You will have your lines memorized by the 13th of December. That gives you more than enough time to meet and practice with your partner. What scene do you have you may ask. Well the scene list is already posted on the school web site.”  RING RING!!!! Yess!!! Thank Goodness! Now for lunch! “Don’t forget to make your scene convincing!!!” Mr. Dillon yelled at us as we all stampeded out the door like wild buffalo. 

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