Chapter 11

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“Arley. Arley. This is our stop. Arley its time to wake up.” Harry shakes me trying to get me to wake. “Ughh. I’m tired.” I yawn again. “C’mon when we get out of the bus you can go on my back.” “Okay fine.” I say giving in and crutching out of the bus. When we get out there I just get onto his back and fell asleep again. I was that tired. I could still hear what’s going on though. Thankfully the bus stop is close to my house so the walk wasn’t bad. “Arley we are at your house.” “Don’t put me down I’m tired.” I say nuzzling deeper into his back. “Okay ill just knock on the door.” Knock knock! “Arley--” I heard my dads voice stop. “Oh Harry. Where’s Arley?” “She is on my back. She got tired so I carried her home.” “Oh well would you mind bringing her in.” I could feel him walk into my warm house. “Just put her in her room. But don’t try any funny business.” Wow great dad, just great. I could feel Harry get stiff when he said that. I hug him closer so he knows I’m there for him. And he instantly relaxes. I can feel him struggling to walk up the stairs. But I don’t want to get off so I just lay there while he struggles his way up. He finally makes it to the top and pauses to take a deep breath. Then he walks into my room and goes over to my bad and moves the covers and sets me in. Then gently pulls the covers over me and tucks me in like my mom does. So caring and so sweet. “You really care about her don’t you.” I can hear my mom say. “Yeah, I really do.” Oh my goodness! “Are you two dating?” “Nope, I want her to know that I am not just looking for a relationship. I’m not saying I wouldn’t want to. I would don’t get me wrong its just that I would want to earn it.” Wow that was really sweet I thought. “Well Harry I think you are on a very good track to earning it.” I heard my mom say. “I hope so.” I heard Harry say faintly as he left my room and shut the door gently behind him. What a great day. Honestly one of the best.  

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