Chapter 15

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The train stops and we get out and practically sprint to my house because now it was so past my curfew. “I’m sorry if I get you in trouble.” Oh goodness that made me remember that I am probably going to get grounded and a really long lecture. “It was worth it.” We make it to my front porch. “Well I doubt you would want to come into this hell hole so I guess this is good bye.” I reach for the door handle but I feel a pair of arms grab me wrist and flip me around to face him, then he pulls me closer and whispers in my ear “Thanks again for a great day.” “No thank you.” I say then we hug again. We were torn apart by the rough hands of my father. “WHAT THE HELL BOY WHAT WERE YOU DOING WITH MY DAUGHTER? YOU KEEP HER PAST HER CURFEW, GET HER SUSPENDED YOU BOY ARE JUST NO GOOD. MESS WITH SOMEONE ELSES DAUGHTER NOT MY INNOCENT ARLEY.  GET IN THE HOUSE ARLEY. NOWW!!!” “NO DAD HARRY DIDN’T GET ME SUSPENDED WE WASN’T EVEN THERE. HE ACTUALLY MADE ME FEEL SPECIAL TODAY LIKE I WAS WORTH SOME THING. A FEELING THAT I HAVE NEVER EVER FELT AROUND YOU. HE IS BY BEST FRIEND DAD. AND HE IS GOING TO BE AROUND FOR A LONG TIME SO STOP JUDGING HIM.” My dad just stood there stunned that I would ever stand up to him. “Well if that’s how you really feel stay with him than and never come back.” I stood there with my jaw dropped. “Really dad?” “Well if your going to be around him and make bad decisions I don’t want him around me. “Dad! Give him a chance! It’s not fair. You let the boys have girlfriends in their house without giving them a bad time and threatening to disown them.” “Its okay Arley ill just go.” “But Harry.” Tears start falling down my red fury filled cheeks. But he just gives me a comforting look and walks back down the driveway. “ARE YOU HAPPY KNOW DAD! YOU DROVE AWAY THE ONE PERSON THAT MADE ME HAPPY BESIDES ELLIE AND DARCEY.” I scream running into my bedroom tears streaming down my face. I slam the door and cry on my bed into my fluffy pillow. Beep Beep. I hear my computer chirp. I whip away my tears and walk over to my desk and sit down. I log in to see whet beeped. 1 new message. My inbox on the chatting site. From Edward. ‘Hey can we talk’ he typed. ‘Yeah whats up?’ I want to be there for him since he was there for me when I needed to talk. ‘So there’s this girl that I really like but her dad HATES me like with a passion. And I don’t even know why. He doesn’t even know the real me. But I really like his daughter. What should I do?’ wait what? It’s so weird how whenever something happens to me this person has the same issue. ‘Wait what did you say your name was again?’ ‘Edward’ wait who did I know that was named Edward? Edward Booth? Edward Madison? Edward Benson? Nope those are definitely not the names. Wait!!! Wait!! Wait!!! What was Harry’s middle name again? EDWARD!! No it can’t be! This cant be him. Lets see his profile. I click out of the chat and into his profile page. HOLY SHIT!!! His profile photo is the picture Harry and me took together under the Eiffel Tower. What am I supposed to do now? ‘Umm… Harry?’ ‘Umm…how do you know my real name?’ ‘Think about it. Who else has the name with Dakota?’ almost instantly he types back ‘ARLEY??’ ‘YEAH!! HEY SUSPENSION BUDDIE!!!’ ‘Oh my gosh this is so embarrassing.’ ‘haaha no its cool J’ ‘So how are you?’ ‘Umm… I think I am doing okay. My dad is so mean and unfair.  I’m so sorry.’ I really did feel bad. ‘All that matters to me is that I can see you once in a while. I actually have some big news that I want to tell you. But I want to tell you in person. Do you think that you could sneak over to my place and I could tell you?’ ‘Yeah of course, I’ll come over tomorrow since we are suspended and all.’ ‘Okay sweet I guess I shall see you then.’ ‘Cya bye bye!’ Conversation Ended. Well tomorrow should be interesting now all I have to do is concoct a believable lie. I slip into my pajamas and crawl into bed as I think about my plan for the next day. 

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