Chapter 8

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Gym was my least favorite class of all. No one ever picked me for their team because I am not very good at any sports besides football (American soccer), which we oddly rarely play. You would think we would play that more but no, we play dodge ball the most. I quickly change into my embarrassing gym uniform that consisted of a weird mini skirt and a navy polo. I finish changing and quickly exit the dressing room and meet the rest of the class out on the field. We always split into girl and boy groups, the boy’s field was on the right and the girls field was on the left of the outside gym area thing. Immediately when I walk through the doors to the field I feel everyone eyes on me. What was everyone looking at? I look down so that I don’t make eye contact with anyone till I get to the girls side where they have already started to huddle. Wait theres a huddle? OMG ARE WE PLAYING FOOT BALL!!!! Yes!! I run over and just when I get there I could be hearing things but I could have sworn that I heard someone from the boys side say “Damnnn.” Yeah I was most likely hearing things. I focus on the game. We break up into groups and because everyone thought I wasn’t as good at this game they put me in the not as good team. When our coach blows the whistle I start attacking the ball and kicking it towards the net. A girl was coming at me but I spun the ball around and made it in the goal. All the guys where all “OOOOO” ing and honestly that did boost my self esteem a little bit. After about winning 4 more goals for my team the coach said I had to get out of the game because I was dominating. Which I thought was completely unfair but what ever now I get to watch the guys play. At the end of both the boys and the girl’s games we did one last boys vs. girls game.  I was so pumped because I had a reason to want to beat them, Harry was on that team. As soon as the coach blows the whistle Alli, the girl that started with the ball passes it to me and I start dribbling it down the field. Dodging everyone in my way till I get to Harry he try’s to steal it but I try and keep it. So our legs end up getting very tangled and then some idiot guy decides to come interfere and kick the ball but he ends up kicking my ankle. “AHHHWWW” I scream and fall to the ground gripping my ankle. Holy mother f-er this hurts so badly!!!! By know everyone was crowded around me while I cower in pain.  I look down at my ankle and realize that he had kicked my ankle so hard it was bleeding, and I cant handle blood. Everything gets really fuzz, I can only see a blur of peoples faces and a mesh of everyone talking to me. Then every thing goes black. And that’s all I remember. 

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