Chapter 10

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Harry was so kind when it came to helping me around. He held the door, elevator; he even helped me get in the car. I let him do that even though he really didn’t need to. (The car being the bus, a car didn’t just appear out of no were) We sat on the bus and I got the window seat because I love to look out. “So tell me more about yourself.” He says. “Okay well what do you want to know?” He reminds me of that person I have been talking to over chat. Its weird. “What’s your full name?” Ughh I hate talking about my full name. I don’t even know why I just don’t. “Arley-Dakota Emily Harrison. Yeah I know it’s really long.” “Wow that is really long. So your first name is Arley-Dakota?” “Yeah. I have no idea why my parents gave me two names its kind of annoying but what ever.” “I think it’s awesome! Arley-Dakota that’s like the coolest name ever. I actually know someone named Dakota she is really nice so it must run with the name.” He winked. “Haha well thanks. What’s your full name?” “Harry Edward Styles.” “Ooo sounds very professional. I actually know someone named Edward and he is very sweet to so that also must run with the name.” I say and wink in a mocking way. We both bust up laughing. Everyone around is seemed to start getting annoyed which only makes us laugh even more. Till we get thrown off the bus for being too much of a disturbance. “Wow we are so bad ass we got kicked off the bus for giggling.” “Haaahaaa. What are we supposed to do now?” Harry looks around. “How about we go get some Chinese take out then go to the park?” “Okay sounds good I love me some Chinese.” I start to walk or crutch over but I am going so slow. “Arley come here get on my back this will go faster.” He said getting fed up with how slow I am. “Okay fine.” I say giving him my crutches and hoping onto his back. Then he runs to the Chinese place with me giggling on his back. Everyone at this point had noticed us. And when we got to the Chinese place he still didn’t put me down. Even through the line and after we ordered and paid he still didn’t put me down. “Harry you can let me down now.” “No its okay. I don’t want to go that slow.” I scoff. “Well then.” I say and we start giggling again. By now we had laughed so much that my stomach was actually sore. He walks us over to the playground and up the tower to the top of the structure. Where he then finally sets me down. And we dig in to the Chinese.  “So how bout we play a question game to learn more about each other?” “Yeah okay” “I’ll start. How many siblings do you have and what are there names?” “I have 3 brothers named Will, Dylan, and Nevada. You?” “I have 1 sister named Gemma. What is your favorite type of food?” “Any Chinese. You?” “Italian. What’s the most embarrassing thing that has ever happened to you?” “When I was in the fourth grade my friends pulled a prank on me when we were in gym class they stole all my cloths and hung them on the basket ball hoops. And the whole school saw me in just a towel. You?” “Umm…well I was going to ask this girl out when I was in third grade and I asked her at lunch in front of everyone and she rejected me and laughed.” “Oh my gosh that’s horrible, I’m sorry. She doesn’t deserve you anyways” I blush. I can’t believe I just said that aloud. “What was that?” oh thank goodness he didn’t hear me. “Umm… Nothing. Next question.” “What was your first date and first kiss like and who was it with?” “Umm…honestly I haven’t been on a real date before. And I also haven’t had my first kiss yet.” I whisper near the end. “What did you say?” he lifts my chin up with his hands so I have to look at him. “I haven’t actually had my first kiss yet.” I blush and try and look away. I think he can tell that I am not comfortable so he changes the subject. “Okay last question what’s your dream first date?” “Well I am not really a fan of anything to fancy. I like amusement parks a lot. I like Chinese food if you didn’t already get that.” I giggle. Pictures of you, pictures of me hung upon your wall for the world to see. My phone blasts signaling that I was getting a call. “Oh sorry its probably my parents.” “Yeah its totally fine.”

On the phone:

Me: Hello.

Person: Arley where are you?

Arley: who is this?

Person: It’s your father. Now where are you?

Arley: I’m at the park. Mom said we didn’t have any plans tonight so I could spend it with my friend.

Dad: As long as that friend isn’t Harry. Is it Harry?

Arley: Yeah dad it is. And he is fine.


Arley: No dad you really don’t! Now stop being so judgmental!!

Dad: COME HOME THIS INSTANT! What park are you at?

I hang up.

“Is everything okay?” Harry says with concern. “My dad is being so mean he thinks that you are a bad guy and that you’re going to hurt me. He is protective because I actually had another sister who had a boyfriend who hurt her and no one knew because she couldn’t talk about it with anyone because he threatened her. And then one day she told us so her boyfriend killed her. So that’s why my dad is so scared of you because he thinks that you act like him. I am so sorry.” I start to cry a little I cant believe I was telling him all this. I look up at him with tears in my eyes and tears were threatening to fall in his eyes to. “I’m so sorry I just--” I was cut off by his arms wrapping around him and me scoop my next to him as we lean against the wall of the structure. We are wrapped up in each other’s arms and just laid there while I cried into his arms. It was one of the best moments of my life. He didn’t rush me or pressure me he just accepted me. He wasn’t anything like how I thought he was. He actually seems like he cares. “Thank You Harry.” “For what?” “For just helping me and making me feel better.” “No need to thank me I did it cause I wanted to. And I wouldn’t have done anything different if I had to do it all over again.” This made butterflies attack my stomach. How could my dad think that he was like me sisters boyfriend he is kind and a gentlemen. “I should probably get you home I don’t want your father anymore mad at me than he already is.” “Maybe you should meet my parents and talk to them so they will know how nice you really are and they might let me hang out with you more.” “Alright I will. I just hope he will like me.” Aww why does he care if my father likes him anyways it’s not like were going out. Were just friends. We make our way back to the bus stop when I trip over my crutch and fall but thankfully Harry catches me just before I hit the ground. “Honestly what would I do without you Harry? You are always saving me.” I giggle as he helps me back up. “I think you would do just fine.” We get on the bus and by this time it was about 8:00 and oddly I was really tired. AWWW(yawn). I shut my eyes and lean over and rest my tired heavy head on Harry’s shoulder and fall right asleep.

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