Chapter 5

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"Of course Mikasa. What's up?"

"Well I wanted to talk to you alone actually." She looked at Eren and he started to get up.

"I'll go find Armin, I think he got here a few minutes ago." Eren smiled at me and walked off. As he was walking away he whispered something in Mikasas ear. I didn't hear what but they both smiled.

"Do you mind if we go up to my room to talk? I just think this conversation is better in private." I nodded and we headed up to her room. 

Her room was really simple other than the hundreds of pictures of her friends. Sasha, Eren, Armin, Connie, Annie, and even I was up there. She really did love her friends. I thought that was really sweet. She sat on the edge of her bed and I took her desk chair.

"So what's going on?"

"Well I wanted to talk to you about Jean." Yay. Another conversation where I'll probably have to talk about my feelings. I hated it here.

"Of course. Whatever you need to know."  No point in delaying this. Might as get it over with.

"Well I wanted to make sure that if I pursued a relationship with Jean, that you would be okay. I don't want any drama to break out and I consider you a good friend. I don't want to hurt you." Oh. Didn't expect that.

"Honestly Mikasa if you guys work out I'll be so happy for both of you. Jean and I are moving on."

"Yeah with Eren." I blushed. That was way to straight-forward. I don't even barely know whats going on with Eren. "Y/n it's okay. I'm over him, but he really likes you. On our way back from the movie all he could talk about was you. Don't do anything unless you are serious. It may not seem like it, but if Eren cares about you. He will put his heart and soul into making you happy. Even if it hurts him."

"I would never want to hurt Eren. I told him that I can't do anything right now and that I just want to stay friends. I don't even know my own feelings right now. I have to sort through those. I wish you the best of luck with Jean. I do have to warn you though since he is my best friend. If you hurt him I will have to kick your ass." We laughed knowing full well I would never win.

"Same could be said about you to Eren. Well we should head back down. Eren is really excited to spend time with you." 

"Yeah let's go. Otherwise people might think we were up to something." I winked at her making her laugh.

We headed downstairs to see the party was in full swing now. It was only 9:30 so I had an hour until I had to leave. Connie was already drinking which meant so was Sasha. Great I'll have to call Levi to pick me up. I was about to pull out my phone to let him know that I need a ride home when I felt hands grab my waist. I jumped not expecting that.

"Hey, I'll drive you home if you need it. Connie already gave me his keys. Niccolo is gonna walk Sasha home since she lives close and Connie is gonna stay the night with me." I relaxed when I heard Jeans voice. This was normal. Although I expected him to be with Mikasa.

"That would be great but my house is the opposite way of yours and you should be with Mikasa right now." I turned around to face him. His cheeks weren't rosy and his breath smelled like mint and not alcohol. He was sober.

"Well I don't mind driving you home I've done it a thousand times." He let go of me and looked at the ground. "Yeah I should be with Mikasa though. What time do you need to leave?"

"10:30, Levi wants me home by 11."

"Ah okay well enjoy your hour. I'll take you home when its time." He walked away looking upset.

I had secretly hoped he would stay. After my talk with Mikasa though I couldn't do that. I walked to the kitchen for a drink. No alcohol though because Levi really would kick my ass. He hates when I drink. Especially if he's not there.

I was snooping around in the fridge when I heard my name being called. It scared me and I ended up jumping and bumping my head on the fridge. "Ow!" 

"I'm so sorry y/n! I didn't mean to scare you." Eren walked up to me and put his hand over where I bumped my head. "Does it hurt?"

"No, I just have a giant bump on the back of my head where I banged it into the fridge." I might have been a little harsh but he laughed it off.

"Here. Sit on the counter and I'll get you some ice." I did as he said. 

He walked back over to me and held the ice to my head. "Feeling better?" All I could do was nod as I blushed. He was really close to my face. He leaned closer. I felt my breathing get heavier. He smelled of vanilla.


"You know I really hated seeing Jean touching you. He doesn't deserve to touch you in any way."

"And you do?"

"I deserve it more than he does. That is if it's okay?" He had moved his hand from holding the ice and now had his hands on both sides of me holding the counter.  

"Eren I'm sorry, but I can't do anything with you. We agreed to stay friends." He immediately backed off.

"I understand. I'm sorry. I just get so worked up seeing you with Jean. I'm also guessing he's driving you home since Connie is shit-faced?"

"Eren, I'm not gonna stop hanging out with my best friend. I want to get over him. Not lose him completely. He is driving me home."

"I know I know. I'm sorry. You know I'll be happy for you either way right? If for some odd reason you end up with him I won't hate or resent you."

"I appreciate that, but I highly doubt me and Jean will end up together."

"Y/n, I mean this in the nicest way possible but you both are idiots. He likes you and you like him. He also likes Mikasa though and is putting more effort in with her than he ever did with you."

"Eren can we please stop talking about this? I know all of this already and it actually really hurts."

"Do you wanna maybe get out of here early? I know a great diner down the road that has the best milkshakes. What do you say?"

"I don't know. You have a bunch of people over and Jeans already promised to take me home." He looked a little upset, but I had an idea. "Hey, the weekend isn't over yet. How about tomorrow night we go out for milkshakes? Just as friends. Pick me up at 7?"

"Yes! I'd love to." His eyes lit up. He really did have gorgeous eyes. He wrapped his arms around me in a hug. 

I checked the time. 10:20. Wow time really flew with Eren. I had to go find Jean.

Except he found me first.

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