Chapter 19

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Jeans POV

"So Jean, tell me about this brilliant plan of yours." Connie and I had just gotten to my house after listening in on Y/n and Erens conversation. "Also wasn't the spy kit a great idea. It worked perfectly."

"I still can't believe that you actually got that, but yes. It worked great. Now about my plan." Connie cut me off. He has a bad habit of doing that.

"Wait, so the mission is called Mission Monkey. Does the plan have a name to or is it just a part of Mission Monkey?"

"It's just a part of it. No need to come up with a name." Connie started pouting.

"Aww man. I had some good ones too." He crossed his arms and huffed.

"Now, you might not like the plan."

"Why not?" He looked over at me. Usually my plans were good and he liked them. This time though it involved someone Connie was scared of. To be fair every one is scared of him.

"Because for this plan, we need Levi." Connies mouth dropped open out of shock.

"Levi would never help us. What are you thinking?"

"He definitely would. Since it means keeping Eren away from y/n." Connie just shook his head at me.

"It's worth a try I guess. Y/n is with Sasha right now so we could go see if he's home."

We quickly loaded up into my car and drove to Y/ns place. I hoped Levi was home. It would make things a lot easier if he helped. But honestly I'm not sure if he will. Since it also involves Zeke.

We pulled up to her house and it turns out Connie was right. Y/n was gone. We walked up to the door and rung the door bell. Except Levi didn't answer.

"Connie, Jean, how can I help you?" Principal Erwin nodded his head to us. Connie groaned.

"Oh um sorry we can come back later. We were actually hoping to speak to Levi." I saw out of the corner of my eye that Connie was starting to back away from the door. He knew as well as I did that if we interrupted Levi and Erwin than Levi would kick our asses.

"Let me go get him for you I'm sure he can spare just a second." Before I could protest he walked away. I turned around and quickly grabbed Connies wrist before he could run away.

"Jean let me go. I value my life. Levi will kill us. Please."

"Don't be a baby. We don't have a choice anymore. This is for y/n. Please just do it for her?"

"You just had to bring her up. Of course I'll do it for her."

I was about to thank him when I heard the door open up again.

"There had better be a good reason why you two are at my door wanting to speak to me when I am with Erwin." He looked angry.

"Yes actually there is. We wanted to talk about y/n." His angry gaze softened a little when I mentioned her name. He looked between me and Connie.

"Come inside I guess. Just let's make this quick." He walked off and me and Connie followed. I knew Levi didn't hate me that much considering I am his sisters best friend, but I also know that y/n isn't even allowed home when Erwin comes over. Or at least she just doesn't want to be there.

We all sat down in the living room. I guess I didn't really have a choice except to bring Principal Erwin into this. I couldn't tell him it didn't involve him. Levi would for sure kick my ass. Connie still didn't want to be there, but I knew he would do it for y/n.

"So, why do you need to talk about y/n? Is she alright?"

"Yes sir. She's fine. It's actually more about Eren and y/n."

"I am not involving myself with your guys drama. Y/n and I have spoke and she can make her own decision. I will not help you Jean." He sat back and took a sip of his tea. Connie then decided to join the conversation.

"Well except you aren't going to want her to choose Eren after we tell you what we know."

"I don't want her to choose Eren either way. I'd rather her not choose anyone to be honest. Jean did nothing but hurt her for the longest time, but what do you know?" I was about to speak, but Levi cut me off. "I want to hear it from Connie."

Connie and I looked at each other confused. I just motioned for Connie to explain.

"Well we think Eren is going to break y/n's heart." At this Levi and the principal sat forward. "Armin shared his concerns with us about it. He tried to tell y/n, but she said she couldn't believe him without proof."

"So you guys got proof right? Let me see." I butted back in.

"That's the thing we wanted to talk to you about. We need your help getting the proof."

"Armin is the one that told you guys this right?" We nodded and he looked over to Erwin. "Tell me about Armin."

"What I know about him is that he is best friends with Eren and Mikasa. He is a straight A student and is very trustworthy and reliable. He's also the class president."

"He's best friends with Eren? How do we know Eren didn't set this whole thing up and it's some sort of plan?" I know Levi just wanted to get his facts straight, but that was kind of absurd.

"Armin can think for himself. He may be best friends with Eren, but that doesn't mean he would hurt someone else for him. Armin is a good guy." Connie spoke up. I nodded to show my agreement with him.

"Alright, so what's this plan of yours Jean?"

"Well you see, I need you to talk to Zeke and see if he knows anything." Erwin and Connie looked at each other while Levi stared me down.

"What does he have to do with this."

"He's Erens brother. Maybe he would know about Erens plan."

"It's a stupid plan, but if it helps y/n I guess it's worth a shot."

"Just so you guys know it's called Mission Monkey okay?"

I facepalmed while Erwin and Levi just exchanged a look. Connie was way to proud of the name he came up with.

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