Chapter 6

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"Y/n, It's time to go. I have to load Connie up and stuff. You ready?" Jean looked in between me and Eren seeming a little upset.

"Yeah I am. I'll meet you at the car." He nodded and walked off. "Alright well thank you for an amazing evening Eren. I will see you tomorrow for milkshakes right?"

"Yes of course. I'll pick you up at 7." He hugged me and gave me one last smile before I walked away.

Tonight had been interesting to say the least. I'm excited to hang out with Eren tomorrow. He's really sweet and deserves a good person. I hope I don't hurt him. Me and Jeans relationship is complicated and could cause a lot of drama. Maybe I should take a break from our friendship for awhile.

"Y/n I'm dropping Connie off at my house first and then if it's okay can we talk? Like a serious sit down and talk. I think we need to."

"Oh of course. Are you sure you don't want to just wait until tomorrow Jean? Since you are taking care of Connie and everything." Man I really didn't want to have another talk tonight. Especially with Jean.

"No y/n. We can't put this off any longer and we both know that." I sighed. He was right. A lot happened tonight and before either of us did anything we needed to talk.

We drove in silence to Jeans house to drop Connie off. Connie of course was passed out in the back seat. When we got to Jeans house we quickly unloaded Connie and put him in Jeans bed to sleep. Then drove once again to my house in silence.

It wasn't awkward. It was comfortable. We've known each other for so long small talk isn't really a thing between us any more. I started to think about what we would be talking about. I had a pretty good idea, but soon I started over thinking.

What if he wants to break off our friendship for good? How would I handle that? I wouldn't. I don't know how I would function without Jean in my life.

We pulled into my driveway and I saw Levi waiting on the front porch. Luckily he's warmed up to Jean over the years and trusts him somewhat.

"Good you're finally home. Jean." He nodded at Jean and just walked inside. Me and Jean followed him in.

"Hey Levi me and Jean are gonna go to the tree house okay?" Levi looked back at us. He seemed a little confused, but he didn't press and just walked away muttering something under his breath. I only caught one word and it was not very pretty.

The tree house is a special place to me and Jean. Over the years we stopped going there except for important talks. We only had one rule at the tree house. Whatever happens there and whatever is said does not leave the tree house. We walked outside and went up the ladder. I made myself comfortable on my bean bag while Jean sat on his.

Play rewrite the stars from the greatest showman now.

"Y/n. Why can't we work? Please can we just try one more time? Before you just move on with Eren." He looked as if he was about to cry. "I want you and only you."

I started to tear up. "No Jean you don't. Please don't say that. You like Mikasa." He was about to say something but I cut him off. "Jean you have no idea how much I want to say yes right now. I want to be with you so bad. You just don't try though. Every time we try you just give up. Every day I wake up and you are my first thought. Every day when I go to sleep you are my last thought. You are the first person I tell when something happens. When I'm upset all I want to do is run to you and have you hold me. That's not possible." I had started to cry without realizing it. We hadn't been this honest with each other for a long time.

"Jean. I love you so much, but we can't do this. Not again. Maybe we should just stay away from each other for awhile. Be with Mikasa. She likes you. A lot." I looked at Jean to see he also was crying.

"Y/n, please don't leave me. Please. I promise we will work. I will try my hardest. I love you. With all my heart. I can't lose you. If I can't be with you, at least let me stay your best friend?" I started to sob. This hurt so much.

"Jean why can't you understand? We will never be able to get over each other if we stay friends! You know that!" I may have been a little harsh because he took a step back and looked more hurt than I had ever seen him. "You are just saying this because I'm finally trying to move on. Which we both agreed to."

"I only agreed because you did y/n. Do not blame me for giving up when you did the same thing. You are pushing me away. I don't want to lose you. Please. You're my best friend. I can't imagine my life without you. Just please no matter what don't end our friendship."

"Please, just leave." I whispered. He got up and walked over to me.

He pulled me up and into a hug. "I'll leave y/n. Only because you asked. Please remember I love you. With all my heart. I want you. When you calm down and get some rest just please consider it." 

When he pulled away and went down the ladder my heart shattered. Why hadn't I just said yes? He was begging me to be with him. All I did was push him away. The guy I've been in love with for the past 6 years. Not only that I also think I just lost my best friend. I could barely stand anymore so I let myself drop to the floor sobbing.

I don't cry often so now that the tears have started I couldn't seem to stop. I didn't know what to do. I didn't have the strength to stand. So I sat there. Curled up in me and Jeans tree house and sobbing. I had no idea that being in love with your best friend would hurt this much. If I did I would never have fallen for Jean. I knew that was impossible though.

How could I not love him. The way he acts embarrassed of his mother, but secretly loves her and everything she does. How he cares about his friends so much and would do anything for them. How when he loves, he loves with his entire heart. How he's never quick to judge and gives everyone a chance, but if you wrong him or his loved one in anyway he will make your life a living hell. How hes so protective and sweet. How could I not love him.

"Hey kid. Jean told me what happened. Let's talk."

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