Chapter 32

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We made it to the restaurant and Niccolo lead us to the table he had reserved for us. Connie ran ahead and pulled the chair out for both me and Sasha.

"Ha beat you both to it." Connie said sticking his tongue out at Niccolo and Jean.

Niccolo and Jean just gave each other a knowing look and moved to sit next to me and Sasha. Connie sitting in between us both.

"So Connie-"

"No." He interrupted me.

"I didn't even finish!" Jean, Connie, and Sasha laughed giving each other a knowing look.

"That's what she said!" They all said at once.

I rolled my eyes at them having a little trouble keeping a straight face.

"Any way. Connie, who do you like?" Sasha locked eyes with me and shook her head. Maybe he didn't want Niccolo knowing.

"Y/n. It's no one. I'm over it." The entire table had grown quiet and you could cut the tension with a knife. "Please drop it."

I didn't want to because I knew if I kept pressing he would tell me. I also knew though that he wanted to have fun and not talk about this.

So I dropped it.

"Fine. All I'm saying is this girl is missing out."

"Not really. She would just be with a guy that's obsessed with both you and Sasha." Me and Sasha laughed.

"Watch it Connie that's my girlfriend." Niccolo said and Jean wrapped his arms around me protectively.

"Whatever. She's just my sister anyway. Y/n on the other hand is my bitch. So watch it, Jean. I'm coming for her." He smirked at Jean and grabbed my hand.

Everyone burst out laughing.

"Oh please, Connie. Eren fucking Jaeger. The biggest fuckboy in school couldn't take her from Jean." Sasha laughed. "Although Eren's a douche and was just playing her so I guess you might actually have a chance."

"Come on guys. You seriously need to give Eren a chance. He's actually a really nice guy."

"Y/n. He was going to break your heart. Even I know that."

"Yeah y/n. Even Niccolo knew that." Jean stated. "I don't know why you're still trying to defend him."

"What? Jealous? It doesn't matter anyway. I'm trying to give him the benefit of the doubt. Maybe he wasn't going to. I'm gonna talk to him soon and figure it out."

"You are?" Jean looked a little nervous.

"Well yeah. I need to explain things to him. I feel bad. I didn't even tell him anything."

"You are too nice darling."

The rest of the day went smoothly and was fun. After we ate Sasha kept suggesting things we should do, but none of them she would be able to. It was frustrating for her.

"Man I just want to roller skate."

"Sorry babe, but you could rip open your stitches. You technically are still recovering."

"I don't care. I just I'm tired of sitting around and watching movies. I want to do something."

"Well, Connie to the rescue then. There is a fair in town. Let's all go."

"Yes! You know what that means? Funnel Cake! Niccolo! Please get me funnel cake."

He blushed and looked at her smiling. He really loved her.

I remember when they first met. We had gone to the restaurant together for our girls day. She loved the food so much that she just had to talk to the chef. It took a lot of convincing, but he had finally come out to talk to her. She praised and praised the food he had cooked. He went beet red and turned around. Sasha had the entire conversation with food in her mouth.

"C-chew with your mouth closed." He stuttered out. He muttered a thank you that I don't think Sasha heard and he walked off. She went back at least once a week and never paid for a meal. Finally, he asked her out and she said yes. The rest is history.

Sasha was still begging for funnel cake as we headed to the car.

"Sasha. I'll get you funnel cake. Now get in the car." He smiled and chuckled at her.

A lot of people feel bad for Niccolo. They think that he third wheels in his own relationship just because of Connie. He's secure though. They love each other very much.

We headed to the fair and everyone was very excited. We don't do very many things like this and I knew everyone liked getting out.

We got there and Niccolo and Sasha headed straight for funnel cake. Connie followed after them. He loves food just as much as Sasha and Niccolo never fails to buy him something.

I felt Jean reach down and grab my hand.

"Well, what do you want to do?" He asked me.

"Mmmmm. I don't know."

"I'm not that hungry, but if there is something you want though we can go get it."

"I'm good. I can steal some from Sasha or Connie if I want. How about a game or the Ferris Wheel?"

"Ferris Wheel will look better at night. Let's play some games. I'll win you a stuffed animal."

He led me away to the game booths. We played many games. Both of us winning some and losing some. I won him a horse stuffed animal that he did not find funny. Connie and Sasha on the other hand found it hilarious. Jean won me a cow stuffed animal.

"What are you going to name your horse Jean?"

"I don't know."

"I think you should name him little Jean." Connie snickered. "Except I think something else horse like is already named that."

"Ew Connie!" Jean and I both smacked the back of his head.

"Ow! What was that for!?"

"Don't talk like that dude. Anyway, I don't know. Let's go to the Ferris Wheel." Jean grabbed my hand and lead me away again. I looked at Connie and he looked a little sad.

"One sec Jean." I let go of his hand and went over to Connie. "Hey. What's wrong?"

He quickly plastered a smile on his face.

"Nothing. I'm gonna sit out of the Ferris Wheel though. That's more of a couple thing." So that was it. I looked around and saw a pretty blonde girl sitting by herself. She looked at both me and Connie.

"Connie, don't look now, but there is a very pretty girl behind you. She keeps looking over here. You should go talk to her." He blushed and not so subtly looked over his shoulder at her.

He nodded and walked over.

I went back to Jean and we rode the Ferris Wheel together. It was beautiful. I leaned my head against his shoulder and he kissed the top of my head. I was so happy.

Yet I still had one more thing to do.

I had to talk to Eren tomorrow.

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