Chapter 24

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I woke up the next morning to Levi barging into the room.

"I brought you breakfast. Eat fast I had to sneak it in here. Maybe. I don't really know I just kind of walked in." He threw the bag of food on my lap.

"You know you have to sign and get a badge and stuff." I opened the bag to find some hashbrowns and eggs.

"They didn't stop me so oh well." Levi sat down next to the bed. "After you eat I can sign you out. I brought you a change of clothes. Is there anything you want to do?"

"Thanks, Levi, but I really just want to visit Sasha and spend the day with her."

"Okay, that's fine. I at least get to spend some time with you during breakfast."

"I don't have to visit her right away. You have as much time as you want."

"Did you talk to Jean again last night? He wouldn't let me drive him home."

"We talked a little bit. I apologized for snapping at him. He forgave me. He said he's coming back today after school to visit me and Sasha."

He nodded and just went silent. That's usually the extent of conversation you'll get with him.

"I'm sorry for worrying you with that phone call Levi. I didn't mean to. I was just scared."

"Don't apologize. I am just glad you and Sasha are safe and okay. Although I will probably be driving you places for a while."

"Aren't you supposed to be at work right now?"

"I called off. There are other cleaners around. But no more of you."

"You're being weirdly sweet and talkative."

"You almost died."


We just sat in silence while I finished my food. I didn't mind the silence. I am just glad someone is here.

After I finished eating I got up. I was super sore and had trouble moving at first. Levi helped me to the bathroom to get changed. When I finished he helped me to the lobby to sign me out and then sign me in as a visitor for Sasha.

"Alright kid this is her room. Call me when you are ready to come home and I will come to get you. I don't want anyone else driving you today okay?" We had just got to Sashas room.

"I promise Levi. Only you will drive me today." He tousled my hair and walked off.

I was nervous to go inside Sashas room and see her. Part of me still felt like I could have prevented the accident somehow and that it was my fault. I was scared to see Sasha lying there asleep. She was probably hooked up to machines still.

I walked in and found her awake laughing at cartoons while face-timing Connie.

"Oh my god y/n! You're okay! Thank god. I was waiting for you to come and see me. Connie have fun at school I'll see you later." She hung up on Connie and looked at me again.

I practically tackled her into a hug only for both of us to groan in pain.

"Ow. I should have thought that through." We both laughed and I got in bed next to her. "I am so glad you are okay Sash. I was so worried about you."

"What about me? I woke up from surgery to hear we got in a car accident. I was so worried about you. I'm pretty sure I texted you too."

"Oh if you did I didn't see it. I've mostly stayed off my phone."

"Yeah Connie and Jean said you didn't respond to them this morning either."

"I have my phone with me. I just wanted to see you though."

"I'm so glad you came to see me. I tried to get them to let me stay in your room with you last night but they wouldn't let me. Something about me recovering from serious surgery and needing time to heal."

"Yeah, Sasha that's pretty important. We need you with us."

"You will never believe it. I'm only allowed to eat certain foods. They bring me meals, all I want is a big juicy cheeseburger, but no. I can only eat soft foods like soup and oatmeal."

"So I'm guessing Niccolo saw you yesterday. I bet he was worried sick."

"Just like how Jean was worried sick about you and you snapped at him? Oh yeah, I heard all about that."

"Damn. Connie can't keep his mouth shut if his life depended on it."

"Actually Jean told me. It really hurt him."

"We worked through it. I think."

"You asked him to stay the night with you in a hospital room. I don't think that's working through it."

"So he's still upset?"

"No. He is mad that Eren is coming today to see you. Be prepared for that drama."

"Everyone is mostly coming to see you, Sasha."

"Doesn't matter. They are all carpooling here. It's going to be a disaster. Connie will love it."

"Oh I'm sure he will. It doesn't matter either way. I think I'm going to break things off with Eren. Even though there's nothing official to break off. Jean is the one I want."

"Plus Eren is playing you so there's that."

"Speaking of that when you talked to the boys today did you ask them about the whispering and stuff?"

"Yeah, they told me."

"So what's going on then?"

"Nothing you can know. Just don't worry about it."

"You know I hate that, but fine."

"I just had the best idea."


"We should make a TikTok about getting in a car crash."

"We seriously almost died and you had to get surgery, and you want to make a TikTok about it?"


"Sure I'm down."

We spent the rest of the morning making TikToks and watching random shows. It was fun and I love spending time with Sasha, but I miss everyone else. I am excited to see them. Finally, we heard knocks on the door and everyone started pouring in.

Connie came in first and gave me a hug then walked over to Sasha to talk to her. Soon she was surrounded by everyone. I sat back letting everyone talk to her. I felt a pair of arms wrap me in a hug from behind.

"I'm sorry I didn't stay last night. I was just still a little hurt. I don't think I told you how glad I am that you are okay."

"I'm not sure, but it's okay Jean. Thank you. I should be the one that's sorry. I am sorry."

"Horse face. You got to see her yesterday. Let some other people talk to her."

"Eren go away. Me and y/n are talking." Jean let me go, but went and stood next to me grabbing my hand.

"I don't care. I want to talk to her."

"Guys I am right here. I can talk to both of you."

"No, you shouldn't be talking to Eren. He's just playing you."

"What are you talking about Jean. Why would I be playing y/n? I'm the only one man enough here to admit I have feelings for her."

Jean stepped closer to Eren. I could tell a fight was about to happen, but I was powerless to stop it. Everyone else in the room stopped talking and was watching this play out. Mikasa was ready to intervene at a moment's notice. She wasn't going to allow them to fight in front of Sasha. Armin was looking nervous. Connie was just staring daggers at Eren.

"Yeah well, at least I'm not someone that lies." Jean stepped even closer to Eren. He was whispering and I just barely caught what he said. "I know the truth Eren. I will prove it too."

"You can't prove anything." Eren whispered back. Although I couldn't hear him say that. "Now y/n. Am I allowed to talk to you or are you just going to hide behind horse face the entire time?"

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