Chapter 15

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It was about an hour and a half into us hanging out and all of the tension was gone. We were all just relaxing around the living room when we heard the doorbell go off.

"I'll go get it. Don't worry." Before I could protest Jean got up and opened the door.

"He's been there for like 5 minutes who could be here." Connie said aloud what all of us were thinking.

"I don't know. I'll go check." It was really weird that he hadn't come back yet. I wonder who it was. I walked over to the door. "Jean, who is it?"

"Your boyfriend." When I made it over to Jean, he and Eren were staring daggers at each other. This was going to be a long day.

"Eren, what are you doing here?" Erens expression softened up when he looked at me. He had such kind eyes. I could look at them all day.

"Well I came to see if you wanted to hang out, but it seems you are already busy." He looked back at Jean with a sneer.

"She is busy. Thanks for coming though." Jean smirked at Eren and got ready to slam the door in his face.

"Guys come one. Play nice. We can all hang out. We've done it before. We will invite everyone over okay? Sasha, Connie, and Niccolo are already here." I knew this was going to backfire and end badly, but I felt bad kicking Eren out. I was definitely not going to kick Jean out either.

"Perfect. I'll text Mikasa and Armin." Eren walked inside and pushed past Jean. He then hugged me and pulled out his phone to text his friends.

"Yay," Jean said unenthusiastically. "I'll text Reiner and the rest of them then."

"Great. Well, let's get back to Connie and them."

We all walked back and when Connie saw Eren with us he busted out laughing.

"Oh my god. This is gonna be so much fun. Please tell me you're staying to hang out Eren?" Well, Connie is gonna start something.

"Yes and everyone else is coming." Eren looked confused as to why Connie was laughing, but the rest of us knew. Well, except for maybe Niccolo. Poor thing probably still thinks someone died.

"Was this your brilliant idea y/n?" I shook my head no and walked over to him.

"Connie and I are going to talk in the other room for just a moment. Everyone, please behave. Sashas in charge. This is going to go bad." Sasha looked way too happy to be in charge. I grabbed Connie's hand and dragged him into the other room.

"Y/n, dude, don't pull off my hand."

"Oh sorry. Anyway, please don't start any drama. Please. I couldn't kick one of them out and I had no idea Eren was coming over." I gave him my best puppy dog eyes and he groaned.

"Aw, man. That was going to be my entertainment for the day. You guys already ruined my joke about someone dying with Niccolo. But fine. I won't start anything. If something happens don't blame me."

"Thank you. You saved my life."

"Don't thank me yet. Although why I have you here can I get some advice?"

"Of course Connie. What's up?"

"Well I kind of like this girl, but her love life is already super complicated. Two people like her and she's already conflicted. What should I do? Should I tell her?"

"Connie? Do you like me?" I should have known better. Connie and I may flirt, but we will never be more than friends. He started laughing at me.

"Please. Me liking you? I love you y/n, but man. You already have so much shit going on I would never. That's so funny. I have to tell everyone you thought that." Before I could protest he ran away.

I ran after him and made it just in time for him to start talking. So, too late.

"Guys, you will never believe it. Y/n thought I liked her." He started laughing again, but no one else did. I smacked him upside the head. "Rude."

"Whatever. It's not my fault. I just had to make sure." This is when all hell breaks loose.

"What's so bad about liking y/n Connie? Is there something wrong with her?" Eren sounded pretty angry. Without even trying Connie managed to start something. That man has talent.

"Eren seriously. It's Connie. He's just joking around. Don't start something just because you are trying to win over y/n. That isn't going to work." Great now Jean is in on it. I wanted to shrink down and disappear.

That wasn't going to happen though. I sucked it up and nipped it in the bud before it could escalate.

"No. You guys are not going to start a fight right now. Either shut up and play nice or both of you get out. Understood?" It's like mothering children. They both had the decency to look ashamed at least. "Good. Now let's order some food so we have some for when everyone gets here."

"Oh PIZZA! Let's order pizza! 1 cheese, 1 pepperoni, 1 sausage, 1 meat lover, 1 margarita." Sasha finally butted in at the mention of food. Niccolo still had yet to say a word since Erens arrival.

"Here Sasha," I handed her my phone. "You order the pizza then."

"Yes!" She ran off into another room with Niccolo following to order the food.

After about 30 minutes of small talk and awkward silence, everyone started arriving. Soon everyone was here and it was a full swing party. Just without Alcohol. Eren and Jean had mostly stayed away from each other because I was avoiding both of them. I stuck with Connie and helped him figure out his girl issue.

"Can't you please tell me who it is? Don't you love me?"

"No y/n. I can't. I don't want everyone knowing."

"Really Connie? I would not tell anyone."

"I know. I just really want to keep it a secret. Like I said two people already like her. I doubt I stand a chance."

"Oh don't say that Connie. I am sure you are way out of this girl's league. Plus anyone would be lucky to date you. Again I'm going back to why can't I date you?"

"We've been over this babe. We just wouldn't work. Also, Armins calling you over. You should go talk to him."

"That's weird, but I will. Have fun."

"You know I won't without you." He smacked my ass as I walked away, but ran off before I could slap him.

It was strange Armin was waving me over. Every time I had seen him tonight he had been with Eren and Mikasa. I finally made it over to him.

"Hey y/n. Can we talk?"

"Of course." I led him to a private room and we sat down.

"Y/n, I think Eren is playing you. I think he is going to break your heart."

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