Bonus Chapter <3

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Jean had just finished paying Connie and Sasha twenty dollars each. Prom was amazing and ended with an amazing trip to the treehouse with y/n.

It was the next morning and Jean and y/n had fallen asleep in the treehouse tangled up. He got up as quietly as he could so he didn't wake you. He quickly got dressed and sent you a text saying how something came up and he had to leave. He went to his car and drove off.

Today marked 3 years of Marco being gone. It was way past due doing what he was about to. He never had gathered up the courage to visit his grave. He had driven here many times in the past. Each time though he couldn't seem to make it out of the car.

He took a deep breath and opened the door. He knew exactly where to go.

He stood in front of Marco's grave for a few minutes in silence before falling down to his knees.

"Marco," He started to sob. "I'm so sorry I haven't visited sooner. I just couldn't gain the courage to."

He sat down and cried a little longer. Finally, he pulled his wallet out of his pocket.

"I have some news. Y/n and I are officially dating. I know what you would say 'See I told you so Jean. All you had to do was be patient.' Then you'd give me your biggest smile." Jean had started to cry again. "Please Marco. I just want to see you smile. One more time."

Jean pulled a twenty out of his wallet and placed it on Marco's grave.

"For the first and only bet you ever made. You won."

Jean stayed there for another hour just talking. Catching Marco up on everything that happened.

When y/n woke up and Jean wasn't there, she grew worried. She checked her phone and saw his text. She knew exactly where he was when she saw the date. She got ready and drove down to Marco's grave.

When she got there She saw him sitting by the grave talking. She gave him a moment to himself. When she saw that he had grown quiet and was just sitting there she walked over.

She wrapped her arms around Jean. Once he realized who it was he turned around and buried his head in her chest. He broke down again.

Only this time it was with the person he loved most in the world.

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