Chapter 16

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"What are you talking about Armin?" I was so confused. Armin and I didn't talk much and for him to be this straightforward was not normal.

"I'm sorry y/n. I know this is straightforward and out of the blue. I just don't think you should trust Eren."

"Why not? Aren't you like his best friend? Shouldn't you be happy for him?" Armin looked at the floor and sighed.

"Yes, but Eren also has a very long track record of breaking hearts. I really think he is playing you. I know you don't want to hear this, but you need to."

"Armin do you have any proof?" I didn't want to jump to any conclusions about Eren because of one thing. He has been nothing but sweet.

"Well, no. Just please trust me?"

"I'm sorry Armin, but without proof, I just can't believe you. Can you at least tell me why you think this?"

"Like I said he has a long history of breaking hearts." I laughed without any humor.

"That means absolutely nothing to me, Armin. I'm going to need more than that."

"Okay. It has to do with me and Eren. Well and Jean." I was intrigued. I knew Armin and Eren used to have a thing, but I thought that was a thing of the past. I motioned for him to keep going. "Eren and I had a thing for a good 6 months. I never let it be anything else no matter how many times he asked though. Eren has a lot of issues to work through and I knew I would just end up getting hurt."

"Okay, what does Jean have to do with it?"

"Well, another reason I didn't let it go any further was that during this time I was Jeans tutor. I had some underlying feelings to work through. They didn't mean anything don't worry. I just didn't think it was fair to Eren so I told him and he got upset."

"So now you think he's using me to hurt Jean and take out his anger?" This whole thing was confusing. This didn't make sense. "Why would Eren do that?"

"I don't know. All I know is that he has never spoken about you before this weekend. Then all of a sudden he won't shut up about you and how Jean doesn't deserve you. Which isn't a bad thing. If he really does like you and you guys end up together I will be so happy for both of you."

"Thank you Armin for telling me all of this."

"Of course. So you're going to be careful?" He seemed genuinely concerned that I might get hurt. He really did fit his rumors of being sweet.

"I will be careful. I just hope you understand I can't fully believe he's actually going to do this without proof."

"I understand. Thanks for hearing me out." With that, he left the room leaving me alone with my own thoughts.

I fell back on the bed. I really didn't want to go back out there with Eren and Jean. I just know a fight is going to break out at any moment.

"Hey, kid. Your favorites are here." I sat up to see Hange, Levi, and Erwin.

"Hey, Hange. What are you guys doing in here?"

"Funny, we were coming to ask what you were doing in here all by yourself when you have like 10 people over." Hange walked over and sat next to me on the bed.

"Oh, you know having yet another talk about the Jean and Eren situation. Erwin, can I get an excused absence tomorrow?" Levi scoffed at me.

"Y/n you know I can't do that. You have to come to school."

"See I told you y/n. Erwin is annoying and never breaks any rules." Erwin playfully nudged Levi.

"I was hoping you would make an exception Erwin. I should be getting back out to everyone though. At least before Jean and Eren start a fight."

"Yeah about that. Why are they both here?"

"I don't know Hange. Eren just showed up. I didn't invite him. Next thing I know. Everyone is here."

"Alright well, we leave you to it. Have fun."

"I won't Levi, but thanks."

I walked out of the room and took a deep breath before heading back into the chaos. I walked into the living room only to find everyone sitting in a circle talking.

"Y/n we've been waiting for you," Connie spoke up as he was the first to notice me. "We are holding an intervention about your drinking habits."

"Connie, I don't drink. That's you."

"I know. I was just trying to be funny. I guess it didn't work. Anyway, here we saved you some pizza."

"Wow. how'd you manage to keep Sasha off of it?"

"Hey! I can control myself, Thank you very much."

"No you can't Sasha, I had to hold you back."

"Shut up Niccolo."

Everyone laughed and I looked around at everyone there. Eren, Armin, and Mikasa all sat together. Reiner, Bert, and Annie sat together. Sasha, Niccolo, Connie, and Jean sat together. Historia was sitting in Ymirs lap in the armchair. I looked around to see both Jean and Eren waving me over.

"Come on y/n sit down. We are about to play a game." Historia smiled at me as she motioned me to sit.

"What game?"

"TRUTH OR DARE!" Connie and Sasha yelled at the same time.

Great. I really didn't want to play this. Connie got up and grabbed my hand pulling me over to sit next to him.

"Who's going first?" Connie asked way too excited to play.

"I will!" Sasha said. "Okay, Ymir, truth or dare?"

"I'm not a pussy. Dare." Connie and Sasha whispered with each other before grinning evilly.

"I dare you to kiss Reiner."

"I'd honestly rather kill myself." None the less she got up and walked over to him. She looked at him and then gagged. "Yeah, I can't do it."

Everyone started laughing again while Reiner looked relieved that he wouldn't have to kiss her. It was now Ymir's turn to ask.

"Y/n? Truth or dare? Don't be a pussy either." I rolled my eyes. I knew I had to choose dare.

"Dare I guess." Ymir grinned at me. I was worried.

"I dare you to kiss either Eren or Jean. Your choice." Connie laughed, obviously happy that someone started the drama for him.

"For fucks sake. Are you serious Ymir?"

"Yes, I am. You can always chicken out."

"Like you did?"

"I did it so I wouldn't cheat on Historia. You aren't dating anyone."


I looked at both Jean and Eren. They were both patiently waiting to see what I would do. Honestly, the easiest answer was Jean. I've already kissed him before and I'm being careful with Eren. I started to take a step toward Jean when Connie grabbed my hand.

"Y/n don't do this if you don't want to. No one will blame you. If you do though. Please pick Jean." He whispered to me. I smiled at him. He honestly was so sweet.

The strangest thing was though. After kissing Jean in the treehouse for the first time. I couldn't stop thinking about it and how I wanted to kiss him again. This was my excuse and I'm going to take it. I walked over to Jean and his face lit up. He stood up and put a hand on my cheek. Then slowly leaned down and kissed me. Hard. I could tell he was probably trying to put on a show to make Eren jealous, but I didn't care.

I grabbed both his shoulders and his hand moved to my hair as the kiss started to heat up. I had honestly forgotten everyone else was there until I heard Ymir wolf whistle at us. I pulled away embarrassed and got ready to go back next to Connie. Jean grabbed my hand and sat me down next to him. His hand never leaving mine.

I looked over at Eren to see him staring at me. He was angry. Yet for some reason, I didn't care as much as I thought I would.

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