Chapter 31

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Y/ns POV

After school, Jean drove me to the hospital to visit Sasha. I couldn't wait to fill her in about my day. I knew she would be happy for us. I couldn't wait for her to be discharged. I missed her.

I walked into her room and she greeted me as usual.

"Y/n! I missed you." She smiled brightly at me. She was finally up and moving around on her own. Almost recovered from the surgery.

"I missed you too Sasha." I went and sat on the chair next to her bed.

"So how was your day?"

"Amazing." She gave me a confused look.

"Really? I figured that today would be filled with people asking about you and Jean."

"Oh, it was. Even Erwin said something."

"So what made it amazing?"

"Me and Jean made it official." She got up and wrapped me in a hug.

"Oh my god! Yay! I am so excited for you guys. Hopefully, y'all stay together this time, but I'm sure you will. Wait that means we can go on double dates. Well, double dates plus Connie."

"I don't know how Connie would feel about being a fifth wheel."

"True. I think he would hate being left out more though."

"Very good point yeah. Hey, are you still going to meet Niccolo's family soon?"

"I didn't tell you?" I shook my head no. "When Niccolo came to visit me after the crash he brought his family. Well more like they brought him here since apparently he was too distressed to drive."

"Oh man, that sucks. I know how bad you wanted to make a good impression."

"They loved me so I guess you were right. It just sucks cause Niccolo had such a good dinner planned and I had just gotten the dress."

"Understandable. Hey so since me and Jean are official, can you tell me who Connie likes?"


"Fine. I'll ask him."

"He won't tell you."

"I know. I'll still ask though."

"Why do you want to know so bad?"

"Because then we could go out on dates and he wouldn't feel bad or left out."

"Have you told Levi about Jean yet?"


"Doesn't Principal Erwin know about you guys though?" Fuck. She was right. Erwin knew which means he probably thinks Levi knows.

"Oh no. This is bad Sasha."

"You better tell him. And soon for that matter."

"It can wait until I'm done hanging out with you. He will just be more upset that Erwin knew before him."

Sure enough, I was right. I had finished hanging out with Sasha and Levi came to pick me up. He barely said a word to me on the way home.

"So, Levi, I have some news." He didn't say anything. "Jean and I are official now."

"I heard."

"I'm sorry Levi. I would have told you first. I really didn't have a choice in it."

"Erwin told me how he found out. I really don't care. I just can't believe he found out before me."

"To be fair he found out before me too."

"Everyone knew before you."

"Fair enough."

The rest of the ride was silent and I was just happy. I knew I still had a couple of loose ends to tie up but that can wait a couple of days.

I woke up the next morning super excited. Sasha is getting discharged today and we all had plans to hang out. I knew Connie might feel a little lonely since Niccolo will be there but I also know he will just be happy to spend time with his friends all together outside of a hospital again.

We had plans to meet up at Niccolo's family restaurant.

I woke up in my favorite way.

"Bitch get up! Sasha gets discharged today." Connie ran over to my bed and pulled the covers off me. "Dude! Put some pants on."

Jean hurried over and pulled the covers back on me.

"Connie I have clothes on. It's not like I'm naked."

"You're just wearing panties and a shirt."


"I'll just go wait in the car. Hurry up. We have to pick up Sasha." He walked out of the room.

"Alright, I'm going to go wait with him. He's right though. Hurry up." Jean smiled and then leaned down to kiss me.

"I'll try babe."

I got up and got ready once he left. I got ready in about 15 minutes and ran down to the car. Connie saw me and started honking the horn. I got in the car and Connie had started moving before I could even fully sit down.

"Bro! I'm not sitting yet."

"Well then sit. Niccolo's already there and I miss Sasha."

"You literally see and talk to her every day."

"Doesn't matter." I smiled at him. I knew he missed her more than anything.

That's why Jean and I sat in the back and saved the front seat for Sasha. Like how our usual seats were.

We finally made it to the hospital and Sasha and Niccolo were out front waiting for us. When Sasha saw Connie's car she ran to the passenger side dragging Niccolo behind her.

"Sasha you really shouldn't run." Niccolo scolded her.

"I don't care. I missed everyone too much." She looked around and smiled then stopped on Connie and glared. "What the fuck is this music?"

Connie had cotton-eyed joe playing from his phone.

"What? I love this song." Niccolo sat down in the back next to me. After he closed the door Connie drove off still arguing with Sasha about music.

Nothing had changed.

I looked over to Jean and smiled at him. He wrapped his arms around me and kissed my forehead.

"I love you, darling."

"I love you too Jean."

"Guys, please. I swear I will crash this car if you don't stop with the sappy stuff." Sasha reached over and smacked Connie.

"Connie don't joke about that!"

"Oh right. Sorry. Too soon?"

"It's my first time in a car since then so yeah. Too soon."

"Sorry Sash."

"It's fine. Just make it up to me by playing better music."

Just like that, the arguing started all over again. This time with Niccolo and Jean suggesting songs also.

I was so happy to be around everyone again. At least with everyone outside of a hospital and no drama. I knew I would have to sit down and talk to Eren at some point, but for now. It could wait.

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