Chapter 14

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After we finished cleaning the dishes and discarding the burnt pancakes we all went to the living room and sat down. This was the most awkward things have been since I walked in on Levi making out with Erwin.

"So are you guys going to explain or are we just going to sit here in silence?" Levi spoke first. Me and Jean had sat opposite from each other. We both looked at the other urging them to explain first.

"Bruh literally just one of you start. I am so confused." Connie and Sasha sat next to each other and Sasha nodded along to what Connie was saying.

"I've literally been lost since I got here and found y/n and Jean asleep cuddling in the tree house."

"Seriously! You guys fell asleep together and then that stunt in the kitchen. Man, and here I thought they both kept rejecting one another." Sasha looked so confused. Finally Jean spoke up.

"Guys nothing is going on between me and y/n. Connie you know that better than anyone. So do you Levi."

"How come I keep getting left out of these things? I feel like I missed a whole book at this point, not just a chapter." I guess it was time to explain things.

"Sorry Sasha, I know. I guess everyone does deserve to know whats going on and telling you all at once is easier than separately." I sighed and got ready to continue until Hange interrupted me.

"You know you don't have to tell us right? We will understand if it's to much to talk about right now." She's so sweet. I love her.

"It's okay Hange I can tell you guys. If Jean agrees?" I looked up at him and he was staring at the ground. He didn't look up.

"Yeah it's fine. Go for it." He's acting strange.

"Okay well it all started at the movie with Eren saying he's always kind of liked me. I was shocked and never thought of him like that, but Jean had brought Mikasa. Which wasn't a bad thing. I just decided I was done waiting around so I hung out with Eren that night. Jean and I talked that night. I made a huge mistake and hurt both of us." Connie decided this was a great time to interrupt me.

"That's true. They both cried. A lot."

"Dude seriously. Shut up." Sasha and Connie just laughed at Jean.

"Anyways as I was saying, I made a huge mistake. Then the next day Connie showed up at my doorstep and he made me feel better." Connie winked at me, but nobody batted an eye. Except Levi who fake gagged. "We talked and he made me realize how stupid I was being. Well, I already had planned to hang out with Eren yesterday so I just invited Jean over to talk later."

"No, you planned a date with Eren."

"Jean, how many times do I have to tell you it wasn't a date." Out of frustration I raised my voice at him. Everyone in the room stopped.

"Y/n, that was a date. Just admit it."

"No Jean I won't. Because it wasn't. I purposely made sure to tell Eren it wasn't a date because I don't want to hurt you or him." The room had grown silent with awkwardness again.

"Okay are you guys sure you have everything worked out?" Sasha decided to break the silence this time.

"No!" Me and Jean said at the same time. I'm skipping school tomorrow. I'm so done with this shit. I don't care if Levi and Erwin kill me. Then it would spare me from this.

"Now I am going to finish the story without going into much detail. Do not interrupt me again. If you have questions Jean can answer them if he wants to. I will not be. Understand?" Everyone nodded their heads and I continued talking. "Hanging out with Eren was uneventful. Nothing to tell other than him and his brother getting in and argument. That was strange. Me and Jean talked last night. It was very emotional and rough for both of us. We decided not to be anything more than friends until prom. That is if both of us still feel the same way by then. It has been a very draining weekend for both of us so we fell asleep. The end."

Nobody had anything to say to that. Levi got up and just looked at me then walked off into the kitchen. Connie and Sasha were silent for once in their lives. Hange looked shocked. And Jean had nothing to say. He couldn't even look at me.

Suddenly someone was knocking at the door. I got up and answered it.

"Hey guys! How's my favorite student doing?"

"Erwin hey. What are you doing here? Levi said you couldn't hang out this week."

"I decided to surprise him. Why is it so quiet here. I figured you would be with the other 3 and Levi said Hange was coming over today. Yet it's quiet. What did I miss?"

"A lot. Levi can fill you in. He's in the kitchen."

We both walked in to find everyone whispering around the couch. They hadn't noticed us yet so I cleared my throat. They all looked up to see Erwin.

"Principal Erwin!" Connie looked scared to death.

"Connie, did you do that project with Sasha yet?" Sasha and Connie looked at each other confused.

"What project sir?" Sasha asked.

"I'm just kidding." Sasha and Connie let out an audible sigh of relief.

"Thank god. You scared us." Erwin just laughed.

"Hey Hange. What's going on?" Erwin was confused as to why they were all huddled up talking.

"A lot. Come on. Me and Levi will explain to you." They left to go to the kitchen and I sat back down on the couch.

I heard the front door open as everyone started talking again.

"Hey everyone! Sorry I'm late. Sasha said the door was open so I just came in. What's going on? Why does it look like someone died."

"Niccolo, don't be rude. Someone did die." Connie said this as seriously as he could. To his credit, he didn't break.

"What? Oh my god. What happened?" Niccolo looked so concerned. I honestly felt bad for the guy sometimes.

"Connie, be nice. He's just kidding babe. Nothing happened. Let's just all hang out." Niccolo walked over and kissed Sasha before he sat down.

Jean and Connie let out a bunch of puking noises and fake gagged at them.

"Ew get a room you two. No one wants to see that." I couldn't help but laugh at Connie. "You guys know only me and y/n are allowed to show pda."

"Oh sorry. I forgot. I just love Sasha so much."

"Alright lover boy. Don't get ahead of yourself there. I'm pretty sure Sasha still loves food more than you." Jean had gotten back into the joking spirit as everyone laughed and everyone started to lose their edge.

After about an hour I honestly had felt almost completely better. Me and Connie kept fake flirting with each other and Sasha joined in every once in a while. Jean was still acting very protective over me and stayed as close to me as possible. I didn't mind.

Jean and I beat everyone at Mario Kart, per usual. The only team that can rival us is Connie and Sasha. Except Sasha played with Niccolo this time and Niccolo sucks at video games. Everything was going smoothly and everyone was having fun.

Until Eren showed up at my house and Jean was the one to answer the door.

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