Chapter 10

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"Hey Connie! I'm here to pick up y/n." I stood behind Connie putting on my shoes while he opened the door.

"Y/n your boy toy is here." I rolled my eyes at him.

"Connie, we agreed you would be nice."

"I don't care. Eren, take good care of her." With that Connie walked off leaving us alone. I could tell he was still a little upset about me going, but I did agree to meet Jean tonight. So I didn't feel that guilty.

"Sorry about him Eren."

"It's okay. You ready to go?" He just brushed it off. I wonder if it actually affected him or not.

"Yes! I am so excited for a milkshake. I've been craving them all day. They better taste as good as you made them sound." He laughed and grabbed my hand. Leading me to his car.

"You can play whatever music you want. I don't really have preference when it comes to music." He was such a gentlemen. He opened the car door for me and is so sweet.

We just sang along to random music as we drove to the diner. I hadn't heard of it before. Apparently Erens older brother Zeke worked there.

"Y/n, thanks for agreeing to come with me."

"Of course. I have always considered you a friend. Even if you and my best friend hate each other." We both laughed, but when I said that I noticed his grip on the steering wheel got tighter.

I am dying to ask him why his reputation at school is so bad. He's the classic fuck boy. I want to know what he did to earn that. He has been nothing but sweet and caring to me since I met him.

We finally got to the diner and took a booth in the corner.

"Of course you would like mint chocolate chip Eren." He laughed. I've said it before and I'll say it again. He has a wonderful laugh.

"Now what exactly is that supposed to mean y/n. I find that quite rude. It's better than just getting a chocolate milkshake. That's just basic."

"Hey I am not basic. I got chocolate because vanilla and chocolate are the only good shakes to dips fries in."

"That's disgusting." Our food arrived as he was saying that. All I got was the milkshake with fries while he got a burger with his milkshake.

"Have you ever actually tried it Eren? Or are you just assuming?" I smirked at him knowing he's never tried it before. No one thinks this is gross.

"All right. I'll admit it. I've never tried it and I never will. That is gross."

"Oh come one." I dipped a couple fries in the milkshake and held it out to him. "Just this once?"

He surprised me by leaning across the table and eating them from my hand. That was hot. He is hot. It caught me off guard and he could tell. He leaned back into his seat smiling.

"You win. That's pretty damn good. You also lose though because now you have to share." I finally pulled my hand back to my side.

"I guess I can share. On one condition though." It was my turn to lean across the table.

"And what would that be." I quickly grabbed his burger from his plate before he could stop me.

"You share your food with me." I took a bite of his food.

"That was unfair y/n. Give it back." He reached across the table and tried to grab it back. I started laughing until he grabbed my wrist. "Come on hand it over."

I stared into his eyes. He grabbed the food from my hand never breaking eye contact once. He pulled me closer to him where I was leaning over the table. He leaned over meeting me halfway. Our faces were inches apart. My breathing had gotten heavier. He leaned in next to my ear and whispered.

"I got distracted by your pretty smile y/n. It's not fair to take advantage of that." He let go of my wrist and sat back down. I sunk back into my seat shocked.

"Can I ask you something Eren?" He shook his head yes. "How did you get the reputation you have? You are known as the biggest fuck boy at school. I've never seen that side of you. You've only ever been nice to me. I just can't see you as a fuck boy." He seemed a little embarrassed.

"Honestly, I am one. I don't want to be. It just seems like I break everything good that comes into my life. Like with Mikasa. I did like her. I just didn't know how to show that so I ended up pushing her away. Happened with Armin too."

"Wait you and Armin had a thing?" I was shocked. I had no idea that they had anything going on. Let alone that Eren liked guys.

"Yeah. You didn't know? I thought it was pretty obvious. It happened last year."

"I had no idea. I didn't even know you liked guys." I laughed at my own stupidity. "Next you'll be telling me you've had a crush on Jean before"

"Well I would be lying if I said I hadn't dreamt of it before." I gagged.

"That's disgusting. Please never tell me anything like that again."

"Oh please y/n. Like you haven't dreamed of it before either. You're the one that's in love with him." I blushed.

"I have not!" I threw a couple french fries at him and he laughed at me.

"I was kidding! Stop wasting precious food!" We both laughed. I really was having a lot of fun.

Our fun got cut short by one of the servers coming up and asking to talk to Eren. I assumed it was his brother. They were having a pretty heated conversation and it seemed like both people were getting upset.

Erens POV

"Zeke, I'm out with a friend what do you want." He just had to interrupt. I was finally getting somewhere with y/n. She seemed like she was finally starting to move on a little. I need her to.

"Who's the friend? Is it the girl you told me about?" I should have never told him anything. He's just going to try to lecture me. He has no right to.

"So what if it is Zeke? I'm still out with a friend and you interrupted. I just wanted a milkshake."

"Do you need help? I know your plan."

"How do you know my plan Zeke? I literally only told you about her. That's it."

"I figured it out. She's the best friend of the person you hate and that they both love each other. Of course you would want to crush both of them. It wasn't hard to figure out you were just going to make them hate each other and then break her heart."

I looked over to y/n. She was in her own little world. I'm lucky she couldn't hear us.

"I don't need or want your help Zeke. Go back to work."

With that I walked back to y/n.

Y/ns POV

"Hey Eren, everything okay?" He seemed a little upset, but he just nodded sitting back down.

"Yeah it is. Thanks."

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