Chapter 33

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Last night had been a lot of fun. Connie had ended up getting that girls number. I don't remember what he said her name was though.

I had gone to bed peacefully and woke up the same way. Which was strange.

Connie and Jean didn't come to wake me up this morning. I checked my texts to see if either of them had said anything

Jean-bo <3
Good morning beautiful. I'm sorry that I can't come to wake you up today, but my mom needed help with something.
I don't think I can hang out today
I will let you know if anything changes
I love you

I smiled at my phone. I loved him so much.

Good morning Jean-bo
Thanks for letting me know
Also let me know if your mom needs anything
I love you too

I went downstairs and found Levi in the kitchen making tea. Per usual.

"Morning Levi."


Erwin then walked downstairs. He walked over and kissed Levi on the forehead. Levi tried to bat him away, but Erwin just laughed.

"Good morning y/n." He smiled cheerfully. I never understood how he was always so happy in the mornings.

"I don't think I will ever get you used to you being here in the mornings. I love both of you but it is still so weird that my brother is dating my principal."

"Yeah well get used to it." Levi said.

"Don't you have a place, Erwin? Not to be rude. I really don't mind you staying here."

Erwin looked over to Levi. Levi nodded his head at him once and went back to his tea.

"Well actually, my lease just ran out on my apartment. Levi asked me to move in and I said yes. I'll be moving in permanently in the next month."

My jaw dropped open. I didn't care that Erwin was moving in. What was weird is that Levi didn't say anything to me beforehand. It's not like he has to ask permission, but he usually at least mentions things like these. Something was off.

"That's great Erwin. Is it okay if I talk to Levi real quick? Alone?" He looked a little worried. "Don't worry. It's nothing bad. I really am glad you are moving in. Now I don't have to call in sick."

He gave me a stern look then chuckled. He nodded and walked out of the kitchen. Probably heading up to Levis room. Well, now their room.

"What?" Levi asked. Still not really looking at me.


"Well, what?"

"Erwin moving in?"

"What about it? You don't have an issue do you?"

"No of course not. Just usually you talk to me about these things."

"We are talking now."

"What's wrong? You want him here right?"

"It was the spur of the moment thing. He mentioned that his lease was almost over and it just kind of slipped that he should move in."

"Okay gotcha. Well, I think it's a great idea. I really do think he's good for you. I'm glad you met him."

He looked up at me and nodded. Then went back to his tea. The conversation had ended just like that. Just like usual. I smiled at him and went back to my room to get ready for the day.

I picked up my phone and went to my messages. I knew I had to do this sooner rather than later.

Do you think that we can meet up and talk today?
I just want to clear the air

I didn't have to wait long for a text back. It seemed he wanted to do the same as me.

I would love to
I've been wanting to clear the air for a while anyway
How does the diner in one hour sound?

Perfect! See you then

I finished getting ready and headed to the diner. Levi offered to drive me since he still didn't feel comfortable with me driving.

"So why are you going to this diner? He asked on the way there.

"I'm going to meet Eren so we can talk and clear the air."

"Do you need me to stay and wait?"

"No, it's okay. I can walk home or take the bus. Don't worry. I'll text you if I need anything."

He nodded and dropped me off in front of the diner. I walked in and saw Eren sitting in the same booth as last time. I walked over and he had a chocolate milkshake sitting in front of my seat for me.

"Y/n hey! Thanks for coming." He smiled at me and motioned to the milkshake. "I got you the same milkshake as last time. If you want something different you can get that instead."

"Chocolate is fine. Thank you." I sat down across from him.

"So, how are you?"

"I'm good Eren thank you. How are you?"

"I want to apologize." I got ready to say something, but he held up a hand to stop me. "Please let me finish. I want to apologize for how I acted and how I treated you. Everything everyone told you is true. I was planning on breaking your heart. To get back at Jean. I know that was wrong of me and I'm sorry. I also am sorry for that day in the hospital. I was totally out of line. I shouldn't have touched you in any way. I really do think of you as a friend and I hope this doesn't change too much. I did gain some feelings for you during this. You are a really cool and sweet person."

"Thank you, Eren. That apology means a lot to me."

"Do you forgive me?" I smiled at him.

"I held out hope that for some strange reason everyone had it wrong. That you really truly did like me. It really hurts to find out they were right. I forgive you though. Mostly because I'm sorry too. I went this entire time giving you a chance. I started to grow some feelings for you too. Although being honest. Those feelings came nowhere close to my feelings for Jean. So I'm sorry for kind of leading you on."

"I don't know if you can count that as leading me on." We both chuckled. I'm glad we cleared the air.

"One more thing. Those feelings you said you gained for me. I know those were nowhere near close to the feelings you have for Mikasa." I paused for a moment and he nodded. "And Armin."

"I-" He was speechless. "I don't know what you mean."

"You like both of them and that's okay. Just date both of them."

"How would that work? They are best friends too. It's not like I could hide it from each other. Also, that's pretty shitty to cheat on them both." I laughed at him.

"No Eren. I meant a poly relationship. Like all three of you dating."

"Oh. Hmm. Maybe that could work."

"Word of advice though. Maybe take some time first. Make sure that is what you actually want and are ready for."

"Thanks y/n. You are way too good for Jean. I don't know how he landed you." I smiled.

"Couldn't tell you that either, but he's not all that bad."

We hung out for another good 2 hours. He drove me home and we promised to do this again soon. I could see an amazing friendship blossoming here. We got along a lot better than I thought we would and that talk went a lot better than I thought.

Everything was right.

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