Chapter 30

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Jeans POV

The past few days have been crazy. I mean absolutely insane. I almost lost the love of my life, but now I won't lose her ever again.

We were dating. I hope I don't screw it up like always.

The rest of the day went smoothly. I didn't stop smiling for the rest of the day. I drove y/n to the hospital to visit Sasha and I went to Connies.

I knocked on Connie's front door and his little siblings answered. Fighting like usual. Sunny had Martin by his ear and was pulling hard.

"Jean please help me! She won't let go. It's my turn to play the game. Mom said so."

I reached between them and pulled them apart.

"Listen to your mom. Now is Connie home?" Sunny turned around and yelled. Loudly.

"CONNIE! JEAN IS HERE!" After that, she smiled at me then skipped away.

"Her name may be Sunny, but she's the devil." Martin walked off to his game and Connie and Mrs. Springer walked out of the kitchen.

"Hi, Jean. Sorry about their fuss. I have snacks ready in the kitchen. Have fun you two!"

"Thanks, Mrs. Springer." She smiled and walked off. Most likely following the fighting that started back up.

"Hey man. How's it going? Sorry I had to leave school early. My dad has to work late and my mom needed help with Martin and Sunny. You know the drill."

Connie acts like such a clown and barely ever breaks that sometimes I forget that he's super sweet and loves his family. Right then Martin ran past us with Sunny following.

"Guys seriously. It's Martins turn Sunny. So stop before mom has a heart attack." He started up the stairs to his room. "Come on. Mom can handle the rest."

We walked upstairs and Connie laid back on his bed.

"So Connie." He cut me off before I could say another word. Like usual.

"If this isn't good news, I don't want it." I smiled.

"Y/n and I are dating." Connie didn't open his eyes.

"You better not mess it up this time dude. I'm happy for you. I really am. Don't get me wrong. You've got a good thing going for you. If it goes wrong this time. You might not get her back."

I laid down next to him.

"What's going on Connie? You never look at the negative side."

"Nothing sorry. You owe me and Sasha twenty bucks. That's if you can manage not to screw up."

"Okay dude you know I blame myself more than anyone, but she has some fault for it too. Seriously what is going on?"

"I don't know man. Homelife has been pretty crappy lately. Sasha almost died. Died. I wouldn't know what to do with myself if she did. Dad's always working late and Mom always needs help. Sunny and Martin won't stop fighting. I just, miss my friends. I get it, but I just feel like lately everything has been you and y/n. I love you guys, but I miss you so much right now."

"Wow Connie. I am so sorry. I had no idea you were feeling this way. I know stuff has been crazy lately and trust me, I know all about that fear of losing someone. We love you and I know y/n would not have gotten through this without you. Neither would I for that matter."

"Thanks, Jean."

"You really haven't taken time to wrap your head around the Sasha stuff have you?"

"No. Every time I stop and try to I break down."

"Sometimes that's the best way."

"You're not gonna screw this up are you?"

"God I really hope not. I love her man." Connie chuckled a little.

"You know I'm glad this is finally happening. Although I was kind of hoping you'd screw it up. Just one more time."

"She's the girl huh?"

"Yeah. I did not hide it very well did I?"

"Not quite, but hey don't worry. We've all been there."

"Yet for some reason she chose Billy Ray Cyrus."

"Shut up man. Leave my hair alone."

We sat there for a moment longer before I broke the silence again.

"I actually still have no clue how she ended up with me. I mean I hurt her so many times."

"Yeah, you did. Me and Sasha love you, man. So much, but those days after you guys broke up. No matter if it was the first or third. She still reacted the same. Her heart was torn into pieces. We were genuinely upset with you and how you were too scared to commit to the best thing in your life."

"I know. You guys told me each time."

"Good. You know. There was a fault to fall on y/n. She blamed herself so much."

"I know she did."

"Anyway all I'm saying is I don't want to see her heartbroken again."

"How are you so okay with this?"

"Okay with what?"

"With y/n and I. With her being with me."

"I've always known this would be the outcome Jean. Always. The only person that knew of my crush was Sasha. I came to terms with it a while ago. I honestly think I'm over it."

"I'm sorry Connie."

"Don't be sorry. Just don't hurt her. Please."

"Never again."

"Good. Also please don't tell her about this."

"I won't."

"Alright enough with the pity party. Let's play."

Connie set up our game and we started playing. I believed every word Connie said. I also believed that he needed a day off more than any of us. He was always the happiest person around. He never breaks. But he's only human. I'm sure Sasha just pushed him over the edge. I felt bad.

I looked over at him and he was back to his normal self. He noticed me looking and sighed.

"Buck up Billy. I'm fine."

"This Billy thing is gonna stick isn't it?"

"Yup." We both laughed and everything was back to normal.

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