You guys im so sorry, i've never felt so unmotivated and kind of struggled to write this chapter for you guys ❤️

Thankyou so much for reading, this book means a lot to me and your support and love means a lot more ✨✨✨

Thankyou so much for reading, this book means a lot to me and your support and love means a lot more ✨✨✨

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Chapter 29

"I like you, Taehyung,"


Silence, that was all there was in the car with me and my kidnappers. Although i wasn't paying attention to them, i was still surprised i didn't hear a chuckle or two, it was just plain silent.

My heart beats even faster as i stare at my phone.

5 seconds

10 seconds

15 seconds

What if Jungkook had gotten it all wrong, Mr.Kim didn't like that, like how i liked him. Maybe he liked me how Jimin did, as friends. Why did i believe him so easily?

When more tears blurred my vision and my finger hovered over the end button, he finally started talking.

But it wasn't what i'd expected, he sounded confused and maybe even a bit scared.

"Why's Jungkook calling me?"

Gulping, i try not to get heartbroken about how he had completely ignored my confession. Instead i start thinking of excuses, Jungkook would've realized my absense and if he happened to come across Mark and Heather, he could've even realized what was happening.

"could you give the phone to him, he's...with you right?" i'd already told him i was with Jungkook so he had no reason to worry really, but i could still sense the slight unsureness when he asked me.

Did i want to lie and say yes?

No, i wanted him to come and save me because i wasn't ready, i wasn't ready to get hurt or die.

"Celia, he's with you right?" he uttered a second time this time, it sounded like he was holding back, i could almost imagine him talking through clenched teeth and all i could do was just stare at my phone, it felt like my body was refusing to let me talk, to let me lie. My mouth not wanting to open so i could answer.

The tone he said it in made chills run down my spine, like he wanted me to realize he really wasn't playing around, did he already figure it out?

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