So he's threatening me now?

I scoff, he thinks he's so proffesional and that id take him seriously even after he made that joke.

Right now I'm sitting next to Heather in the library the last period of the day, which happens to be my free period and I can't help but grin at my progress. My only goal is to submit it today, he can shove it down his throat for all I know.

Actually no, I would like my grade.

Shut up.

"stop that," Heather says, looking slight scared and worried, "you look like your planning someone's murder."

Her words don't faze me as I look at her and then back to the librarys computer screen, grinning even more at the thought.

"wait...are you?" she instantly looks at my computer screen and sighs.

"I'm serious, stop making that face, it's scary." she huffs.

"it's supposed to be, I feel like everyone's underestimating me these days, I must reach my full potential and show them my worth!"

Heather rolls her eyes, "I have no idea what you're talking about, who's underestimating you?"

"Mr. Kim."

"The substitute teacher? How do you even know, what'd he say?" she came closer, wanting to hear more about the hot teacher.

"he didnt say anything," I shrugged then my face got grim, "but I could see it in his face."

"dude..." she sighed.

"no! I'm serious," I said after she slowly pulled away, realizing I didn't have much to say, thinking my observation wasn't relevant, "okay but he told me to focus because he didn't like desultory work."

"what does that even mean."

"that doesn't matter! He basically told me I might give him a half-assed assignment if I don't focus! " I explained, my hands flying everywhere.

"well it's true," she looked confused and that confused me too because where was I going with this?

"yea, I know it's true but I think because I didn't submit the assignment on time on his first day, I gave a bad first impression and now he's not taking me seriously and making fun of me." or that's what it feels like.

"fun of you? How? "

"I told him i didn't want coffee yesterday and I think he saw through my lie and bought one for me then he told me the extra coffee he bought wasn't for me, which was really embarrassing and then I go up to find that he did buy it for me and that made me kindof mad because it seemed like he was mocking me for being dumb! " I take a deap breath after my rant, even though I wasn't mad at him, my heart just felt annoyed.

"how does that even make sense? "

I shrug," it does because for some reason I feel like he thinks he can get deceive me easily because I'm stupid and that I won't notice or say anything. "

"dude, this is just his second day and wait, what!!? He bought you coffee!? " Heather practically almost shouts, I slap my hand over her mouth.

"shut up! Well get kicked out." I whisper shout, and she nods because she couldn't speak with my hand still clamped over my mouth.

I remove it slowly, "yes he did but it's because I looked so Dead in the morning, he mightve thought he's helping others more than he's helping me."

"okay but why did you lie and say you didn't want the coffee?"

"because... I kindof didn't have money for it."

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