Monday came around sooner than i thought, the beginning of yet another school week. It was almost the end of the year and i was beginning to wonder if Mrs.Anderson was ever going to come back.

That was until, ofcourse now.

"Todays my last day," Mr.Kim announces.

A chorus of 'awws' and 'no's' rang throughout the room and i found my heart clenching at the fact.

What does he mean todays his last day?
Does that mean he wont be coming again at all?

Was i not going to see him as much anymore? Maybe not even at all?

What if he was only social with me because i was his student? What if thats the case with jimin too?

If i wasnt going to be his student after this, i'd be literally nothing to hin!

I doubt he actually see's me as a friend.

He won't be our teacher anymore.

Although the thought should've made me feel better like i had hoped it would, when i thought this time would come around. It didn't, i couldn't feel even a bit of happiness or joy in my bones as i heard the news.

I think it was mainly because i had accepted that such a person like Mr.Kim would never be with such a person like me and that the fact that i could only enjoy his company and interact with him if he were my teacher.

And now that he's not, now we're nothing! My mind was going at so many different places at once as i watched him move back to his table.

I couldn't point out what i was feeling but it was most likely hurt, the fact that he didn't tell me about it or even hint at it beforehand confirmed the fact that he didn't think we were even a bit close.

Completely deflated, i put my head on the table and turn it to the side.

Suddenly jolting upright again after making eye-contact with a creepy Justin sitting next to me.

He chuckles, "sorry, didn't mean to scare you, whats bothering you though?"

"i just dont want Mrs. Anderson back," i tell him and he nods knowingly.

"same, she scares me," he stares into space and i hold back an amused smile.

Justin the captain of the football team, i hadn't forgotten about the cafeteria incident but now i just didn't care anymore.

Besides, i was the one sitting next to him, i should be atleast a bit social with him.

"you didn't come to school last week..." Justin starts and waits for a reply and i realize he was talking about his offer, to go somewhere together.

"oh yea, i wasn't feeling well, i should've told Heather or Mark to tell you, sorry if you were expecting to go somewhere," and because i actually felt guilty i added, without thinking about it, "we could go some other day though," i smile lightly.

"how about today?" justin smiles and i think about it, "can Heather and Mark come too?"

He looks conflicted for a second and before i could say nevermind he agrees, "yea sure, they're your friends so i should get close to them," he nods to himself.

"i mean-" i had no idea what he meant, did he mean so that he can be friends with all of us and get a larger friend group or to get on their good side and be able to date me without problems.

Honestly, i couldn't help think it was latter from how i kept thinking he might have a crush on me.

No matter how hard it was to believe the possibilty of the fact being true made me not want to lead him on at all.

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