
"dude, what's wrong with you? Are you trying to make her run away? Stop yelling!"

Mr.kim, who was literally digging holes onto my face with his penetrating gaze, snaps his head back to his friend at the passenger seat, "she's my student, you expect me to ignore the fact that she's walking outside alone in the middle of the night?! "

"Well technic-" I try to reason, glancing at my empty wrist again, which I know was of no use but Atleast I tried to try.

"No.. Just stop. I'm done listening to your lies, Tell me honestly," he looks back at me with a stern expression, his hand raised up, palm facing me.

And that's when I know he was totally being serious, there was no room for any jokes or sarcastic remarks.

"my parents aren't with me," I sigh, replying honestly, and although it was kind of obvious I said it just to confirm it because I had no intention of telling them that my parents actually don't really mind me walking alone at night. (more like pretended to care)

"no shi-" the guy at the back starts but cuts himself off after both me and Mr. Kim give him a glare, "okay geez, relax! I won't finish that sentence!" he raises both his hands in a defensive manner.

That Sweater guy... Just making it harder for me.

"then? Are you going to walk home alone?" Mr. Kim further questions, eyeing me and the cart.

"that's what it looks like, yes."

What kindof situation even is this.

"put your groceries in the deck, I'll drop you." he says, no time for arguments but I'm stubborn and there's no way in hell was I going with them in this car.

"no thankyou, my house is close by."

"I'm sure it is, but it's still dangerous to walk alone, for all we know, someone could steal all your bags and kidnap you."

"for all I know, you could so the same so what makes you think I'll get in a car with three men?"

The guy at the passenger seat let's out a laugh, "touche."

Mr. Kim narrows his eyes at me, not in the slightest bit offended but it looks like he was thinking.

"okay then, you walk and we'll follow you home." he says seriously and I just wait for him to say he was joking because that sounded creepy as hell. But seconds pass and I figure out he wasn't.

I burst out laughing, "you think that helps?" I laugh louder, filling up the quiet air around us and hoepfully not waking up nearby houses, though I doubt people were asleep at this time.

"what do you mean," he looks annoyed and offended.

"I- I mea-" I cough out my laugh, trying to tone it down after seeing his annoyed face but couldn't seem to, "I mean, you'll find out where I live, how can I be sure that you won't rob me one day?"

Mr. Kim gets more offended, his mouth hanging agape and his eyebrows furrowed together, as if the thought itself is rude. Well, it kind of is but... Safetly first.

I hear his friends snickering next to him and i tried to hide my own bubbles of laughter in.

"okay then, give me your number, I'll call you at times to ask if you're safe. If you don't answer within the first few rings, then I'm following this path and tracking you down, keep in mind, I am your teacher so I can easily find out where you live but since you're not comfortable it's no problem."

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