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Kao and Earth reached the palace. He is finally at ease seeing his mate happy and all.

Fluke, Ohm's mate grab Earth and go to the garden. He just shake his head when he heard the excitement squeal from the two.

Kao smirk when he see his friend, smiling where Fluke and his mate went, "Whipped".

Ohm glared at him and smirk after, "A little compare to you". He smile, yes, he admit. He is extremely whipped. Who wouldn't if your mate looks like an angel.

"Anyway, P'Kao, my father is the one who called you. Actually, us", Ohm scratch his head then pointing the big door.

Thinking, Kao just nods and follow Ohm.

After speaking with the King, he look for his mate. He badly need him in his arms and he think Ohm needed that as well.

They found their mate, laughing in the garden. His tense muscles, slowly relax upon seeing the wide smile on Earth's face.

He sit beside him and wrap his arms on the slim waist. Mind drifting, un-intentionally tightens the hold.

"P'Kao, Earth, we'll excuse ourselve first. We'll go back first on our room.", Earth giggle when he notice that Fluke is yawning in Ohm's arm.

Kao nodded to Ohm while Earth smile and shoo them away. "Baby, how about you? Do you want to sleep?", he asks.

Earth grab his hands and go to the north wing, where their room is located.

After closing the door, Kao grab Earth for a hug. Surprise of the sudden action, Earth push a little to look at Kao.

Hurt is written on Kao's face. When he felt the push from Earth, he let go, "Sorry". He always forgot that his baby is shy one.

He turn his back to go outside when a small arms hug him from behind. He close his eyes, loving the heat coming from the younger one, then he heard him say, "I'm just surprise, P'Kao. Is there a problem?".

Kao caress the arms on his waist, open his eyes and turn, he open his arms wide. Earth came willingly, "Yes, we need to be apart".

Tears already falling, Earth's look up at him, "Baby, hey hey don't get me wrong. We're not breaking up. It's temporary. The King asked me and Ohm to attend an event for the soon-to-be-alpha. It will be a month long".

"Can I go with you?", Earth asks afterwhile.

Earth let go from the hug when he shake his head. Kao feel like he is being punch directly in his heart when he heard the broken voice, "Okay".

He hug Earth and pull him to sit in the bed then kiss the tears away. Kiss the wet cheeks, kiss his eyes then kiss the lips that Earth's biting. Kisses turn to heated session and ended up, them tired of the activity that they had on the bed.

Kao grins, finally, he completely own Earth now. Sleeping on top of him, naked, he kiss the expose shoulder before joining Earth in dreamland.

"I love you, Earth. I'm good as dead without you".

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