A/N - 2021

23 2 1

Hello Lovelies,

It's been a while.

I promised I would continue the Calls to the Pizzeria Guy series and even update my other book: Midnight At Sea (new title in the work for both). I took it down to make some changes and start a writing frenzy and I'm so excited.

 I just wanted to say something:


We've been dealing with COVID-19 for over a year now.

I just want to take some time out to extend my most heartfelt and sincere condolences to anyone AND everyone who has lost: siblings, parents, grandparents, relatives, coworkers, friends, classmates and more to the coronavirus (or otherwise), this past year.

We all know first hand, the impact this virus has had. Not only on our ability and/or freedom to socialize but also on our relationships and especially on our mental/physical/emotional health. 

It's important now, more than ever, that we take care of ourselves AND EACH OTHER as we pass the 'one year' mark.

Please, please, please remember that YOU ARE IMPORTANT and that you are NOT ALONE. The fact that you're here today is a testimony in itself. Yes, some of us are still locked in but try your best to be grateful for each and every little thing. 

Every breath you take is a blessing and a gift - CHERISH IT.

When you go outside, wear a MASK.

Keep your DISTANCE - as much as possible.

It's not just for you but to protect others and help towards getting us back to normal - whatever that ends up being.

Please keep yourself up-to-date with all the upcoming OFFICIAL developments. 

Don't just rely on other for your information.


In addition: #StopAsianHate

If you see it, stop it.

If you hear it, don't be a bystander

Racism is a CHOICE

Asian is NOT a virus.


I hope you beautiful people all have a wonderful day today. 

I'm here for you. If you want to talk, don't hesitate to reach out.

IG: _nhilly_

With much love, 

N i l l y

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