Finally, the Idiot Knows

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"This is my voicemai-"

"ArGH! This is the ninth time this week!"

"Well, I don't know what you expected"

"For her to call me back...or at least pick up the phone"

"Yeah after what you did, I'm pretty sure she doesn't even wanna talk to you"

"Ok I get it but WHY?"

"You mean after three weeks, you still don't know?"

"Correction. Two weeks, one day, 23 hours and 47 minutes"


"...Not that I'm counting of course"

"Clearly. You literally have a girlfriend!"


"You spend more time trying to call Lish than you do spend time with her"

"Your point? And don't call her 'Lish' got it?"

"OHHH I'm so scared. You have a girlfriend, and ever since you got together you've been neglecting her"

"...I have, haven't I"

"Yeah so much so that she came over today and told me to give you this"

"What is it?"

"A letter idiot! What else?"

"NO need to be rude Stanus"

"Don't you Stanus me until you fix this idiot, and I don't mean with Melissa"

"She's my girlfriend, of course I'll fix it. I'm taking her to the wedding remember?"

"I'm blood related to an imbicile. Why God WHY????"


"If you could see how pitiful you look....just read the letter"






"And there it is! Finally!"

"I AM an idiot"


"Hey! Don't rub it in"

"Fine. You won't ever live this down though"

"...I know"


"That's for not telling me!"

"You didn't have to punch me in the gut though! It freaking hurts!"

"As it should"

"Are you gonna fix it though?"

"Of course I am!"

"Good. And take her to the wedding while you're at it"

"I plan to"



"That's for being an idiot for TWO WEEKS"


"That's for hurting Lish"


Things are looking up!

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