Leaving A Message

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Other People


"Okay, time to call her. You can do this. No pressure. It's just a girl...that I really like...but just a girl"




"Stupid fingers, just dial!"


"Good job fingers, we did it"


"...no no no no no no!"

"You numbchuck! You don't call someone and then hang up when they greet you!?"

"I was nervous! And I am NO numb chuck!"

"Well then, I guess you should call her to prove you aren't"

"Fine! I will!"



"This is my voicemail. Since I've not picked up the phone. Leave a-

"I can't do this! She probably thinks there's a crazy person calling her now. You can do this! This is the LAST time. Pull yourself together"

"And hurry up about it idiot"

"Shut up!"

"This is my voicemail since I've not picked up the phone. Leave a message and I'll decide if I need to call you back"


"Ms.P, it's Mr.C...I...I just wanted to say that I'm really sorry for not calling you back or talking to you when you called the pizzeria...I took things WAY out of proportion and I messed up. I miss hearing your voice and you telling me how amazingly beautiful my voice is. I miss you...so I guess, call me back whenever you decide to forgive me. I and a pineapple pizza await you"

"Fina-numbchucking-lly. Took you longer enough to grow one!"

"Can it Stephanys!"


"What does he have to be so freaking cute??"

"How can you possibly like this dude? You don't even know his name"

"Yes, I do! His name is Mr.C"

"His legal name idiot. Like on his birth certificate"

"Don't call me an idiot!"

"Than don't act like one!"


"Stop hitting me!!"


"You couldn't have given me nicer, more docile siblings could you huh?"

"No, because God knew that those 'docile' siblings couldn't be able to handle an imbecile such as yourself their entire lives"


New name:
- Stephanys (pronounced: Stef-on-us)


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