Outside of Work Hours

26 2 2



Other People




"Hi Rhen-Rhyes"


"Whenever you're ready, I'm eating my pizza right now"





"My mom has been calling me everyday this week"


"I assume it's for the wedding"

"You assume?"

"Do you have to eat with your food in your mouth?"

"Yes I do and stop changing the subject"

"...I never picked up the phone"


"I just can't bring myself to talk to her. She's calling me about her marriage to another man and expects me to come"


"How could she possibly expect me to come. To even pick up the phone to talk to her. She hasn't even called to say hi in years!"


"No. I won't talk to her. She doesn't deserve it. Dad and Stephanys can go but I WON'T"


"She might as well just give up. I couldn't care less"


"I won't waste my time entertaining this anyways"




"What did you just call me?"

"I-er...I- what are you talking about? I called you Rhen-Rhyes"

"No you didn't. What did you say?"


"Say it Alicia"




"I want you to call me that from now on"


"Oh, yes"

"Why? It's just a name I blurted out...not like I thought of it for hours"

"...you did didn't you"




"But it is"

"I beg to differ"

"You can beg but we know the truth"


"Oh stop with the cute pouty-face"

"...I'm not cute"

"No you're not"

"How rud-"

"You're gorgeous"

*Your call has ended*

"Nice one Rhen! She probably things you're crazy now! Calling a girl you've never seen gorgeous...even if she probably is"


"He called me gorgeous!!"

"Let's focus on the big picture here, big sis"

"What do you mean eavesdropper?

"I think lover boy got the drop on you"


"Ahhhh, NOW it's clicking"

"That little hooligan changed the subject on me! Oooh he's so gonna get it!"

"You do have to admit it though, it was kinda your fault"

"My fault? I think not! He just used a momentary distraction for his benefit"

"Who caused the 'momentary distraction' again?


"...Mom!!! Help!!!"


New names:

- Rhenys (Wren - us)


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