Apologies Take 2

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"Hello! Lish? It's me Stephanys"



"Whose Stephie?"

"Rhen-Rhyes' little brother"

"He has a little brother?"


"Who has a little brother?"


"Ohhh! Is he the same age as me?"

"Uhh...how old are you Stephie?"

"I'm 16...who are the minions in the background?"

"Who are you calling a minion, oldie?"

"What she said Stephie"

"I am not old! And you guys are like Lish's little minions, doing her evil bidding you know"

"I mean he isnt wrong you know"

"Logan shut up! She doesn't know!"

"I swon't schlow sqwat?"

"Nothing, nothing Licia"

"No tell me what you guys did"

"Why do you think we did anything?"

"Because Alyssa is stuffing her face, Logan isn't looking at me and you're trying to rub the skin off the back of your neck"

"It's nothing!?"

"Liarsss all of you. I was gonna buy Italian today but I guess we're gonna have vegetable stir-fry instead" 


"You have got to be kidding me! We've been having veggies for breakfast, lunch, dinner and even snack for 3 weeks!"

"That's what happens when you always lyingggg, mwahaha"

"As much as I hate to interrupt, unfortunately this isn't a social call"

"What's up Steph?"

"It's about Rhen-Rhyes"

"Yeah we figured"

"He's been calling at lease 3 times a day for weeks! It's so annoying!"

"He what?!"



"I take it, you didn't know?"

"Didn't know? DiDN't KNoW?? DIDN'T KNOW!!!!????"

"Yeah...we didn't exactly...tell her"

"We might have...blocked him number?"


"I would just like to say that I had no say in the matter"

"Oh please, Lys, I talked to you about it first"

"Haha busted!"

"Oh don't think you're not in for it too. I wasn't the one to turn down all those pizza's!"

"At least, I didn't block his number! What do you have to say for yourself LIAM?"

"Excuse you! We decided this together, don't throw me under the bus"

"You're the oldest"

"And the wisest"


"Ok all of you shut up! I'll deal with you later! Now go and chop up the veggies. We're going to be having SALAD for dinner"

"Awww but Lici-

"Get moving!"

"Yeah traitors. Get moving"

"You too 'oldest and wisest', move it!"

"But I-

"Move. Your. Butt. Liam"

"...Yes ma'am"

"So tell me Stephanys, what is it?"

"...um...well, you know the wedding is on the weekend and he's decided to go..."


"Well, he's not exactly...here"

"What do you mean? It's Thursday. When's the wedding?"


"I don't follow Stephie"

"Alicia, we can't find Rhen-Rhyes"

"...You what?"

"He's missing Alicia. You need to help me find him Lish. What if he's hurt or something?!"

"Of course I'll help you!"

"Thank you! Please call hi-

"Oww! Stop it! It is your fault!"

"Get that knife out of my face idiot!"

"I've got to go Steph, I'll call him as soon as I get ahold of the hooligans wielding knives"

"Thank you so much Lish! We both owe you one"

"People usually do"


I'm craving Italian right now *drool*

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