Aliens or Amnesia?

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Other People


"Antonio's Pizzeria! A little Italy in every bite, how can I help you today"

"You're feeling better"

"Don't sound so surprised"

"I'm not surprised"

"Than what?"

"I'm just remarking your current state of happiness and comparing it to that of the last time we spoke to one another which consisted of a state of sadness and a little despair as you contemplated the upcoming nuptials of your estranged mother"

" ..."


"...I'm gonna ask this as politely as possible"


"...what the hexagon is wrong with you?"

"You seem to have entered into a state of confusion and distress. Why is that?"

"What do you why? You're acting like you've been abducted by aliens and been replaced by a robot!?"

"Interesting theory, though I am quite positive that I have not been abducted by aliens recently"

"You have got to be kidding me"

"You seem to be leaving the state of distress and confusion to anger and desperation"

"You think?"

"No, I know"



"My voice is beautiful"

"...I'm not sure how I should proceed to converse with you when you prove to be revealing things about yourself in such a way. I'm exceedingly joyful to know that you like the sound of your voice though"


" not hyperventilate. It is not good-"

"Whats my name?"

"Your name?"

"Yes, what do you always call me?"

"...what do I call you?"

"You-you d-d-don't rememb-ber?"

"Im kidding Mr.C"


"I'm sorry I thought it would be funny to prank you"


"...Mr.C? Talk to me. I'm sorry"


"Mister Complimentary, I-"

"How could you?!"


"I was so worried that you and amnesia of something bad had happened to you"

"I'm sorry Mr.C. I really am, I just didn't think that you'd care so much"

"Why wouldn't I?"


"Well, it definitely wasn't funny"

"I'm truly sorry Mr-"

"I have other customers to speak to"


*Your call has ended*

"You messed up big time kid"

"You don't think I don't know that?"

"Oh I know. I just wanted to make you feel even worse considering..."

"Considering what?"


"No tell me"

"You don't deserve to know after what you just did"



"I really did mess up, didn't I"

"Big time"


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