Apologies Take 1

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"Hello to you too! Is this Ms. Alicia speaking?"

"No it's not"

"...Can I speak to her?"

"No you can't. Sorry buddy"

"...What if I said please? And thank you?"


"Listen Miss, I really need to talk to her. I have a message fore her and a present"

"She loves presents"

"I'm glad. So would it be okay if I could talk to her?"

"What's it for?"

"...You're not gonna let me talk to her are you."


"How can I turn that maybe into a yes"

"A present for me too?"

"Unfortunately, I am just the messenger kid"


"Lys, who are you talking to?"

"Don't tell him kid"

"That's suspicious Mr. Pizza man"

"No, I just don't think this should be shared with everyone"

"It's not everyone. The fact that you don't want me to tell, means I should. That's what my teacher told us about strangers"

"Your teacher is very smart kid but still don't say anything"

"I'm glad you think so Mr!"

"Lys! Who is it??"

"Don't te-

"It some guy from the pizza shop asking for Licia"

"WHat? Hand it over sister?"

"Ohhhh you're in trouble Mr. Pizza man mwahahaha"

"Just great! Thanks kid"

"Don't be mad at me. I'm not the weirdo calling for my sister without an explanation"


"She's right you know"

"They always shoot the messenger. I need a raise"

"You sure do. Now what do you want with Alicia?"

"...You guys don't give up do you"

"Not when it comes to Alicia"

"Hmmm...respect. So anyways this guy called and ordered a specialized pizza for her and I was just supposed to call and tell her that a pizza was on its way and hang up"



"What's his name? Oh no wait...I know who it is...send the pizza dude"

"Are you sure? Is Alicia there? Can I tell her or ma-

"Send. The. Pizza"


"Much appreciated my friend"

*Your call has ended*

"You're gonna eat the pizza from Rhenys aren't you"

"Of course I am"

"But he's tryna make things better"

"He's a couple weeks too late for that"

"Hmmm...I...guess so"


Vote and comment lovelies! I hope you've been having a good week!

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