Meetings x Bisoux

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Alicia stomps out of her house at 1:28 am and marches down the street towards Brimesdale park. Burying her nose in the cozy brown coat as she continued down the street muttering obscenities to herself. 

As she drew nearer to the park, her muttering grew louder as she envisioned herself choking Rhen-Rhyes to death and burying him right there in the park. 

When she finally got to the park, she realized that she was going to be meeting Rhen-Rhyes for the first time. Ever.

She paused at a bench and started to pace before the old wooden bench nervously.

Every thirty seconds she would stop, start towards the playground, only to shake her head and continue to pace. 


From the other side of the park on a bench just as old and rickety, sat Rhen-Rhyes.

He was rapidly bouncing his leg up and down. 

This is it, he thought. He'd planned it all out. He knew exactly what he'd do and how he'd do it.

He even brought a pineapple pizza, lemonade and ice cream with him. 

It was probably overkill but based on the way Liam was talking, he knew he was probably going to need it. 

He never knew how much one person could mean so much to him. She forced him to confront his feelings about his mother and gave him something to look forward to every day. 

When she stopped talking to him, he felt as if a piece of himself was gone and though it took him a while - too long as Stephanys had said - he was determined to fix it. 


Well...this morning


Finally, Alicia took a big breath, straightened her shoulders and began to walk toward to playground.

It's only Rhen-Rhyes, she thought, it would be fine.

As she walks, she could feel her heartbeat begin to race as to that of a staccato. 

Reaching the huge red slide, she looked from side to side, looking for Rhen-Rhyes.

It was just then that she realized that in all their talks, she had never figured out what he looked like.

Well, what am I gonna do now, she thought.


The yellow light shining down from the scattered park lamps made her brown hair seem lighter.

The wind picked up for a moment and her hair blew around her, as she turned this way and that looking for him.

For a moment he wished that he could've stayed right there.

Have time freeze in this one moment.

But he knew that it was only a matter of time before she left, thinking he was no longer there.

Getting up from the bench, he grabbed his stuff and moved toward that big red slide. As he did so, he began to see more and more of her beautiful features as she looked for him.

I knew she'd be gorgeous, he thought.


She'd been standing there for a while now and she couldn't see him.

She probably couldn't see him because she was shuffling this way and that every two seconds to keep the chill away.

Honestly, she hadn't been standing here for too long. 2 minutes tops but the cold made it feel so much longer. 

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