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Other People 


"This is Antonio's Pizzeria where you get a little Italy in every bite. How can I help you today?"

"Your greetings are getting shorter"



"How are you?"

"Pretty good and yourself?"

"Not bad"

"So...the greeting?"

"Yeah apparently it's a put of for the customer and a waste to company time and money so they're making me cut it short"

"Ahh I see"

"You do?"

"Not really. Didn't they make you say the long one from the beginning?"



"That's true and now they wanna change it. I thought it was because my voice is boring"

"No Mr. C, it's definitely not your deep voice"


"Yes Mr.C"

"Are you saying something about my voice?"

"Of course not!...I was...just...remarking on is"

"Deep? Is that like a bad thing? Oh no, maybe I sound intimidating. Do you think that I need to maybe speak this"


"Or should I hold the phone farther away from my mouth?"


"Or I could talk in shorter sentences so they hear less of my voice"


"...yes Ms.P"

"Your voice is beautiful. You don't need to change it for anyone"

*You call has ended*

"She thinks my voice is beautiful"

" this the Pizzeria delivery phone number?"

"Yeah...did you know she thinks my voice is beautiful"

"Yeah dude you just said so"


"So...can I order my pizza now or are you gonna keep sighing with what I assume to be happiness?"

"Sure, sorry sir"

"Don't sweat it man. Word of advice though, just get her number so you don't talk to other customers about your love life while on the job"

"...Good idea. So what'll you be having?"



You, Me & Pineapple Pizzaحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن