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"Hurry it up over there, I wanna see"

"Calm down, they're not going anywhere"

"Yeah but she knows you're stalling, so move you baboon!"


"Oh really? I had no idea...especially since you've been ActTing liKe aN aNImAl AlL MOrNinG!"

"Excuse you! I was busy!"

"Yeah, well you're gonna deal with all the consequences if you're gonna stay up all night to make kissy faces with Lish"


"Don't get mad at me Lish, I'm happy for you but we've been sitting in this church waiting for my mother for SO LONG"

"I know, I've been waiting with you as per your requests"

"Actually Alia you can't say nothing cause you're probably in your pj's right now, eating"


"No need to be testy Lish, we all know it's true"

"I mean, we would know if you turned your camera on"

"Not happening you guys"

"But I literally saw you last night"

"Stop whining Rhen-Rhyes and pay attention, the flower girl is coming!"


"I heard that"


"I'm not mean, just realistic, now hush"

"Yeah Rhen, you talk too much!"

"I'm surrounded by bullies"

"Shut up here comes mother. She looks pretty happy doesn't she"


"Are you guys okay?"

"I...think so"



"I...I'm still mad at her but I guess if she's happy...I can deal"



"I thought you were gonna be more upset and want me to come save you or something"

"You still can!"

"It's a little too late now"

"Shut up y'all, they're saying the vows! Plus, that old lady over there keeps shaking her cane at you and if you don't stop talking, I think she'll beat your butt"


"It's not funny!"

"No it's not, I'm sorry"

"As you shoul-

"It's hilarious!! I can see it now, old lady beats university student to death after disturbing his mothers wedding"

"Alia it's not even funn-

"Well thanks to you guys I just missed hearing the vows, and now they're walking out the church"

"Sowwy Stwephiekins. I'll make it up to you"

"Hmph, as you should"

"You're such a little princess"


"WHy you cheeky little brat. Get back here!"

"Na nana boo boo, you can't catch me!"

"Maybe not now but we are going back to the same house tonight so jokes on you kid"

"Shoot, I didn't think about's okay, I'll just go over to Lish's house!"




"It's my house Rhenys, I think I'm supposed to decide"

"Yeah but you're mine, so what's mine if yours and yours mine"


"I don't even know how to respond to that Lish, so good luck"

"As soon as that wedding is over and you can come over, I am going to wring your neck and then get that old lady with the cane to help me bury you!"

"Oh you wound me darling"


"I'd be scared if I were you Rhenys"

"It's fine. She knows she loves me"

"That growl said otherwise brother. By the way, I'm not bailing you out this time so...good luck"

"Stupid brother"

"Oh stop, you know you love him"

"I only love him enough to not kill him so he and Alyssa can get married"



"How did you know about that???"

"How could I not, he literally would get so happy when she'd pick up the phone and would just hand me the phone when it was the guys"

"Ohhh you mean when Stephanys was doing all the leg work to win back my affections huh"

"Hey now, don't get ahead of yourself. I spent a lot of money on you...well I guess it was really your family"

"Hmm, do you know how long I had to suffer without pizza? I purposely made us have veggies because I knew they were guzzling pizza slices like water"

"Don't worry, I'll happily spend my money on you now that I know it's actually going to you and not to your hungry group of siblings"

"How gracious of you"

"..Lia, you- you kinda know everything don't you"

"No Mr.C, of course not!"

"That's good"

"...Just all the things you don't want people to know"

"So I'm guessing that you know that I love you right?"


" that's a yes? No? Maybe so?"

*Your call has ended*

"Did she just hang up on me????"


"It's not even funny!"

"To quote Lish: 'It's hilarious'"


Next chapter is the last one. 

I've really been neglecting my other story so I'm gonna go back to that one after this. I'll probably do an epilogue and then it'll be OVERRRRR 


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