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"Hello Ms.P and welcome to Antonio's Pizzeria, where you get a little Italy in every bite"

"How did you know it was me?"

"How could I not?"

" memorized my number didn't you"

"How could I not? You called all the time"

"You're not wrong"



"How are you Alicia?"

"How can you make my name sound so good?"

"I have no idea"

"Well, Rhen-Rhyes, you make it sound than most. I've been called Alica or Alicer one too many times"


"Hmmm...not so bad when you say it"

"All thanks to my beautiful voice"

"Oh stop being cheeky"

"If it's any consolation, you're one of the only people who saw my name properly"

"What do you mean?"

"Well my mom's fiancé is always saying my name wrong. She never seems to correct him, other than no nudge him"

"Your mom does that? How rude"


"That's not okay"

"I try to not get upset about it. What do I care if my mother doesn't even care that the person she's marrying can't say my name right"

"You do care...a lot it seems"


"Whatever you say honey"

"Oooo! Are you talking to Aliiiiicia????"

"Go away Stephanys"

"No! Not when I can finally meet the gorgeous and witty Ms. P/Alicia"

"Oh yes! Who is this boy who knows my good looks?"

"My brother"

"Hey! I am so much more than your brother as you said it. I am your closest friend, you most treasured confidant...and the better half"

"I agree Stephie"


"Why thank you Lish"


"I think we broke Rhen over here"

"What happened?"

"I think he realizes how much of a better match I am for you than he is- OW!"


"How come you let her call you that? I can't even call you that!"

"Yeah but you're my brother and she's my meant to be"


"OWWWW! Lish! HeLP mE!"

"Ok guys. Mr. C calm down"


"Good boy! Now can I have a spinach and feta?"

"...whatever you say Ms. P"

"Bless you. Bye Stephie!!"

"Bye darling!"




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