Nicknames 2.0

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Other People


"Good morning Alia"

"Good morning to you too Rhenys"

"How are you?"

"You do know that it's 8 in the morning right?"


"Why are you calling so early?"

"I needed to hear your voice say my name before I started the day"

"You're so adorable"

"And your gorgeous"


"So what are you doing today?"

"Well, I've gotta shop the hooligans off to school before heading to class at 12"

"Hooligans? You have class at 12?"

"My siblings and yeah I'm a college freshman"

"How many do you have? I'm in my third year"

"I have three. An older brother, younger sister and my baby brother. What's your major?"

"I have one younger brother. I'm a bio major. I wanna be a physiotherapist"

"That's cool! I'm a business major"

"Alright Miss-big-shot"

"Says the doctor"

"Well...I guess that's true"

"Cocky much?"



"So what school do you go to?"

"Hold on-

Hurry up you guys, or in leaving you to walk to school

Sorry about that, I go to York"

"No way"

"Yes way"

"I go to York"

"No way"

"Yes way"

"Are we gonna keep doing this way thing?"

"I don't have anymore shocking news"

"Yes you do, you just don't wanna confront it to have it"



"Hypothetically, this person wouldn't wanna confront the other because they're not worth a confrontation"

"Well, this hypothetical person shouldn't be the judge of this. Even though it hurts, they may at least get closure"

"...what if they don't want to?"

"It's usually the things that you don't want to that are the things you've got to do"

"..I guess...I'll...relay the message"

"I thought this was a hypothetical person"


"You do realize that I know we're talking about you right?"

"Darn females"

"Why thank you Mr.C"

"Whatever Alia"

"No need to get so testy Rhenys"


"Bye Rhenyssss"


"I'll expect an apology pizza for that soon"

"In your dreams"

"We'll see about that"


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