Valt makes Lui go Aww cute!

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Midnight 3 am :

Valt : I can't reach the high shelf!! *pouts*

Lui : *opens the kitchen door, enters in* Huh? Valty what are you doing here?

Valt : Ah!!? What? Who? Me? Hahaha... I came here to... err.... Ah! Drink water! Yeah water!! Hehehe..

Lui : Oh really? But I don't think water is in the cupboard.

Valt : Hm..... *hugs Lui* Lui!!! Please don't tell Shu!! Please I'll do anything but don't tell him!! *shows puppy eyes*

Lui : *smirks* Knew it. So I won't tell that shoe. Now explain what you're doing here at this time?

Valt : I want to eat my beybread but Shu didn't gimme because he said I'm eating a lot but I just ate only 30 though...

Lui : *crossed his arms* Just 30 huh? Don't you even know how chubby you're getting? *pokes valt's chubby cheeks* see how fat you're.

Valt : Meh! We all have only one life so we have to enjoy our life eating snacks! That's not a bad thing you know.

Lui : It is bad thing. If you look fat and chubby everyone will tease and bully you.

Valt : No worries I will show them my cute chubby face! :3

Lui : What if that person don't get affect by you're charmness? And hurt your feelings?

Valt : Thats simple, my yandere boyfriends shall dispose him 😁

Lui : you got a point there. No one can hurt our valty. *picks him up* alright only two beybread and promise me, you will sleep after this.

Valt : YEAH!-

Lui : Shh! You gonna wake Shu up.

Valt : hehe sowwy.! 😛

Lui : *gets the beybread from the high shelf easily because he's tall UwU * here you go.

Valt : Thank chu! *nibble on his beybread* yum yum!

Lui : *admires his cute valty* Aww you look soo cute when you're eating *kiss his forehead*

Valt : Hehehe! (Thinks : I have thousands of ways to get my beybread and I'll easily make anyone love me! >:3 plan success!) Lui, love you!

Lui : Aww love you too~ *cuddles with him*

Valt : (Thinks : told ya! 😉) Hehe :3

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