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Valt : Hey hey! It's voting time!

Shu : We are having a few AU ideas, so vote the one you wish to read

Lui : Heh. As long it's Lualt and Shui I'm up.

Free : *clutches his chest* My heart.

Lui : You know, I don't have shit for you

Shu : Alright alright! Both of you pipe down

Valt : I love all three of you guys! *Kiss Free* You're my favourite love.

Free : Aw, you are such an angel.

Lui : Hurry up I'm bored af.

Shu : Fine, here we go.

1. Mermaid Shu x Pirate Lui AU

2. Alpha Lui, Free  x Omega Shu, Valt AU (Polyamorous relationship)

3. King Lui x Slave Valt AU

4. Hero Valt x Villain Lui AU

5. Angel Valt x Demon Free AU

6. Angel Lui x Human Shu AU (Lui is the top and Shu is a bottom)

7. Werewolf Free x Fem Valt AU

8. Hunter Shu x Hybrid Valt AU (Insert a type of hybrid creature)

9. Vampire Lui, Free, Valt x Shu AU (Although Valt is more like a submissive partner for Shu, sorry can't make him top for Shu)

Free : Ah I vote for number 2.

Shu : I'm sorry but we cannot vote, but only the readers.

Lui : What the fuck is wrong with number 6? Change it to a demon or something.

Valt : Aw we cannot do that as well because you're an angel. *Snuggles Lui* and why is there a slave me with king Lui..? Like DO YOU HURT ME YOUR HIGHNESS?!

Lui : Of course not, how am I supposed to know? But I won't hurt you, valty *kiss Valt*

Free : Hey Shu which one do you like?

Shu : Obviously Number 6. Like would be an understatement. I love to see Mr. Grumpy pants in angel form.

Lui : I wish for the mermaid one, so I can cook you.

Free : A shark eating a mermaid, wow

Shu : Oh please, you barely even know how to boil hot water.

Valt : Shu! Lui made us cake the other day!

Shu : I know, I'm just testing his patience.

Lui : Ah, Snowflake indeed you have got some nerve.

Shu : We have always been like that, aren't we?

Lui : Yeah *pulls Shu closer* Even though I hate myself for falling in love with an idiot like you.

Shu : I'm your idiot~

Free : I think out of the four of us, Shu is obviously the intelligent person.

Valt : Yesh! He's the great great great god of the universe! *Hailing Shu (Turns into Shu's fanboy)* Shu is the best of the best! ヾ(*’O’*)/

Shu : *pat his head* Aw, you're my little sweetheart, Valt, I love you. (Secretly loves the moment)

Valt : Hehe! *Snuggles with Shu* Love you too!

Lui : Oi oi, don't forgot about us.

Free : Yeah.

Shu : Alright you guys. Vote for the ones you like, rules are simple : the majority wins.

Valt : Yay! I'm so excited! ✧\(>w<)ノ✧

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