A Crimson Tale

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After finishing their breakfast, the bladers relaxed in the living room while watching whatever Valt had picked.

Valt : Let's watch Cinderella next! *They watched snow white just now*

Free : *sips coffee to stay awake or Valt will cry* grueling task : round 2

Shu : *stretches his arms, tired* Uh yeah that's kinda cute too *muching on popcorns*

Lui : Ah fucking hell! Stop with this shit already my eyes are going to bleed *welp they watched this disney movie marathon literally everyday since Valt stays so stubborn*

Shu : Lui learn manners. *Judging eyes*

Valt : Yeah! Learn manners!

Lui : I'm trying to gather very ounce of manners I have in my body to be sitting here! 💢

Free : Even Shu is fine with this-

Valt : hehehe! Shu and I watch these stuffs in our nightovers!

Free : *looks at Shu, who's nodding* But your personality doesn't suit the-

Lui : Let's watch something horror. *Snatches the remote from Valt*

Valt : Heey!!! Give it back!!!

Shu : Horror? Creepy

Free : but better than princess stuff

Valt : Nawwww!! *Tries to grab the remote from Lui* gimme the remote!!!! Aahhh!! I don't wanna watch horror movie!!!

Lui : Because you're a scaredy cat.

Valt : *puffs up his cheeks* Who are you calling that?!

Lui : Obviously You, Mr. Cinderella!

Shu : *chuckling* that's hilarious *leans on Free's shoulder, watching the lualt arguing*

Free : Yeah people call him Cinderella boy, did he lost his heels and ran away, lol *reaches for the popcorn Shu was holding* This tastes good?

Shu : It's caramel popcorn. It's good yeah right? Lui says it tastes like horseshit.

Free : When did he ever eat a horseshit?

Shu : Lol, dunno

Lui : *holds out his hand above his head, while keeping Valt with one arm distance* You little punk, go back to your seat! 💢

Valt : Noooo!! Try mee!!!! *Flails his arms* 💢

Free : Someone finish it soon and turn on something. Watching the end credits is really boring you know

Shu : Lui c'mon give up already, let Valt have it.

Lui : You're telling me to watch another one of this crap?! No way. *Goes back to the home page and search up a horror movie on netflix*

Valt : Luuuuuuiiiiiiii!!!!!! Stoppp ittt!!! *Grabs Lui's face, blocking his vision so he won't choose a movie*

Lui : *pulls away from Valt just enough to see through* tch!

Valt : *stomp on his feet* Stop it baka!!!

Lui : Valt!!! *Growls at Valt, biting his cheek*

Valt : Ow ow ow!!!! *Pats Lui's back* yaaa!! Hurts!!

Shu : and now they're blocking our view *eats popcorn*

Free : Yeah *leans down sideways to face Shu, stealing the popcorn from his lips*

Shu : Hey stop stealing mine! *Lightly blushing*

Free : It tastes even more good this way tho

Valt : Gimmeeee the remote you damn shark!!!!!

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