Wet dreams.....

298 19 4

3 am back in the blader's bedroom~

Lui : I suddenly have the urge to throw bloody murder

Shu : Lui it's friggin 3 shut up and sleep!

Valt : *nibbles on Free's cheek* Num num... Bey...bread...

Free : *having a weird dream...* argh...

Le dream...

Free : Where am I? It's hot and I can't move or breath... Ugh... *Tentacles firmly holding him* what the fuck- *the tentacles licking and doing nasty stuff* Fuck let go of me weird thing..!

Back to the reality...

Lui : Oi Free stop groaning

Free : Leave me.. bastard... *Grumbling at the dream*

Lui : Hah?

Shu : Lui I said sleep!

Valt : *rolls on top of Free and crash him in his sleep* Zzz....Zzzz....*snores* he..he.. b..eybread....

The next day...

Lui : *causally reading the newspaper* Crime. Crime. Crime.

Shu : Just what the hell has possessed you? You blood thirsty demon

Valt : *hugs Lui from the behind* He is an angel!

Shu : No he isn't.

Lui : Yeah. I'm not.

Valt : Oof you're no fun.

Free : *looking sick and pale* J-jesus is there a reservation for heaven? *Walking wobbly and looks like a messed up doll* arghh coffee give me coffee I'm not gonna sleep again-

Shu : Free are you fine? What's wrong?

Valt : Oh no!! Free!! *Worried valt noises*

Lui : What the fuck. You look like you're fucked up.

Free : Yes, I am. What a nightmare... *Shivers at the things the tentacles did*

Lui : Nightmare? *Smirks* Don't tell me you had wet dreams.

Free : Shut up shirosagi *chugs down the third cup of coffee* ew. I hate coffee.

Shu : Then don't drink it?

Free : I don't want to sleep anymore. I'm getting a trauma out of it *shivers at the thought*

Valt : *hugs Free* Aww don't worry I'm here to comfort you!!

Free : *flinch* Don't touch me. Not at least for a month *sensitive to touches at the moment*

Lui : *wriggles his fingers with an evil smirk* Heh, Looks like I'm really interested in you now. Now c'mon babe, lets do it. After all you have been begging me to dominate you.

Free : *has a holy water and a cross* GET. THE. FUCK. AWAY. FROM. ME. YOU. DEMON. *scampered backwards to the corner*

Shu : Um.. What is wrong with Free? He loves Lui and asks to do that thing with him all the time.

Valt : Yeah he is acting strange..

Lui : C'mon dear, let's make your wish come true~

Free : *yelling curse words and threatening Lui to leave him alone*

Lui : *absolutely loving this moment* Now now~ *reaches for his face*

Free : *kicks him* Fuck you *escapes from the window*


Valt : *peeks outside the window* He uses that parachute thingy....?

Shu : *sweat drops* HaH-

Lui : Argh. That Hoya *clutches his stomach*

Valt : I'm worried about his strange behaviour QnQ

Shu : He said something about nightmare right? Maybe he will be fine after he gets over with it.

Lui : Didn't thought he's a crybaby afraid of nightmares bruh.

Valt : I didn't know that too..

Shu : c'mon you can't say anything about someone's fears. It's really impolite and a bad habit. Lui you better stop traumatizing him!

Lui : Duh. He is the one always asking for it.

Valt : Poor Free I hope he will be fine...

Meanwhile Free....

Free : *somewhere in the woods* Fuck. Fuck. Fuck. *Banging his head* Forgot it. Forgot it damnit.

His deer : *tilts head* ????

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