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Aiga : *whistling casually snooping around the kitchen because he's too bored* Hm? *Notices the antique tea cup with an exquisite floral design on it* Oh wow it looks sick! *Takes it out of the cupboard* Ehh So Shu has this sort of collections huh? *Accidentally drops it while he examined it closely* HOLY FUCK!?!

Fubuki : What's wrong?! *Panicked protective husband mode on* Aiga are you oka- *Looks at the broken cup on the floor* OH SHIT!! ITS SHU SAN'S FAVOURITE ONE AIGA!!! *Still in a whispering yell*

Aiga : I totally didn't mean to break it!!

Fubuki : He's gonna be pretty upset with this!! Oh no what am I supposed to tell Shu San?!! *Anxiously pacing around the kitchen*

Aiga : *digs into shelves, searching for something*

Fubuki : Aiga what are you doing?!

Aiga : Shut up and go fetch some glue. It will do fine as long we fix it back!

Fubuki : But what if it breaks when Shu San is using it?

Aiga : He will believe that he broke it himself! Simple.

Fubuki : That's so wrong you know! We have to go and apologize to Shu San properly- *cut off by a hand on his mouth*

Aiga : I can't go around and do lame stuff! What will the kids think about my image as their leader?! (A/n : "Kids" = "The protagonist squad")

Fubuki : You broke it in the first place and you're trying to push the blame on someone?!

Aiga : If we fix it problem solved. Stop being a worry wart and help me! It's not like I'm asking you to do a crime or sin!

Fubuki : But still!

Aiga : Fine. You go apologize to your Shu San.

Fubuki : Of course I'm going to!

Aiga : *rolls his eyes* Jesus. I need a more understanding partner. You go and do your thing and after that make sure you bring the divorce documents.

Fubuki : Where's that coming from? We are married just the past month!

Aiga : Shu San or me?

Fubuki : *A nerve wrecking moment of hard decision making time* ....... *Brings the glue* here.

Aiga : Atta boy. *fixed the broken cup*

Sometime later..........

Free : Lui *poking his thigh (his head rests on Lui's lap)*

Lui : *groans* Yeah? *Reading a Beyblade magazine*

Free : Can you fetch me the rice crackers?

Lui : Go get it yourself, Free

Free : But I'm sleeping..

Lui : With your eyes open and mouth demanding?

Free : Can't sleep on an empty stomach you know *pokes Lui's abs* Don't you love me?

Lui : No. Absolutely hate you.

Free : Not even for your dear boyfriend?

Lui : Yes not even if you're the god of the world.

Free : I feel unloved.

Lui : That's the purpose of this conversation.

Free : If only Shu or Valt was here. They would have been nice to me and took good care of me. Huh *dramatic sigh*

Lui : ..... Good grief. *Goes to the kitchen* You owe me one, damnit.

Free : Thank you *with a cute smile*

Blader's crazy adventures and RandomnessTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang