Dismiss of Yandere Squad and the bladers are leaving.

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Shu : *kicks the door and broke it in the process* I'M SO FUCKIN DONE WITH THIS STUPID BRATS!!!!

Lui : *teasing* No cuss mommy Shu >:)

Shu : Shut the hell up before I fry you like fish! *murderous glare*

Lui : Hah- you okay Shu?

Shu : Of course not! I'm so done taking care of you all.

Valt : no please don't leave me *clinging shu's leg* Pleaseeeeee!!! *cries*

Free : This is why I keep telling you to get some nap. See you got sleep deprived and yelling like mad person.

Shu : *looks awfully tired and had enough with these kids.* I'm leaving the house.

Valt, Lui, Free : What?! No!

Aiga, Dante, Hyuga : We are sorry mommy Shu.

Lane : Harry get me some water.

Harry : *goes to get his beloved master some water*

Delta : Dude we are in a serious situation and you're being the boss of that little creature?

Lane : I am. Besides I don't care about anyone. But me, hyuga and harry.

Fubuki : Selfish- Shu-San did everything for you!!!

Lane : Ah here comes the Shu's pet.

Fubuki : I am not!!! You're rude.

Delta : Okay!! Cut it of you Shu's students. Geez I'm glad I was valt's student.

Valt : *crying like toddler* Shuuuuuuu.!!!! Please don't leave Wahhhh!!!

Delta : Scratch that. I'm on my own.

Shu : I decided, I'm heading back to America. And you do you and I do me. *packs his bag*

Free : Shu you can't leave like this, think about Valty he will die from crying and Lui will be the end of us, I can't peacefully sleep if you leave them they will bother me. Reconsider your decision.

Shu : no means no. I'm taking valty with me. In case of lui leading them in a destructive way knock some sense in that shark.

Lui : Excuse me? Valty is not coming with you okay, and shut up, I'm not that bad to lead kids into that way. I just give them advice. It's depends on them whether they choose to listen or not. So it's not my fault.

Valt : I'm going with Shu. Sowwyyyy I can't live without him. He takes care of me better than anyone. *ready to leave with Shu*

Shu : Fubuki, Delta, Lane take your boyfriend's to your own house. We are dismissing the yandere squad.

Fubuki : But Shu-san its shouldn't be like this.. please reconsider.

Delta : Though it was actually fun being with you guys.

Lane : Whatever. Hyuga let's get moving before that rooster kid shows up. *drinks the water, harry brought*

Hyuga : >:[ Hey don't call hikaru like that he's my big brother! But yeah sure I'm coming with you so I can get cuddles.

Dante : Wait you guys are serious?!?! Please don't leave!!!

Aiga : Guess there's no more fun.

Fubuki : Because. Of. You. This. Happens. Aiga.

Aiga : No I didn't do anything-

Fubuki : *drags him* Shut up. I'm mad at you.

Dante : Oh no.... everyone is leaving...

Delta : cheer up. After all the fandom is dead too and our fans left us. So yeah it's the same. Let's go Dante.

Shu : valty our plane is in next 3 hours. Let's go

Valt : okie. Lui you coming?

Lui : *looks at Shu* I don't think he will-

Shu : You can join.

Lui : Alright then I'm coming.

Free : me? *points at himself*

Shu : *sighs* yeah you can join too.

Valt : at least we are not separated.

A/N : In case if you guys are thinking it's the end of the book, nope. It still has a long way to go.

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