Pain of holding back the accidental curse

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All the cinnamon rolls are in the living room playing card game along with their boyfriends.

Valt : Aww I don't understand the game play!!!! It's confusing!!

Lui : Let me teach you

Free : Huh no one told me we are gonna play in teams?

Dante : Then Delta you wanna be my partner?

Delta : *cough* yeah sure why not. *looks away blushing*

Aiga : I shall be the solo king~

Fubuki : *facepalm* Can't I have a partner favour?

Hyuga : *looks clueless since they started playing* .....?

Lane : I told you, card games are hellish boring *pat hyuga's head*

Shu : We are having our day off. Besides who choose the card game anyway?

Free : I did. Cuz it takes less amount of energy which seems reasonable.

Lui : Are you that freaking old?

Free : mentally yes. Physically no.

Valt : *sweat drop* but I think playing card games in the winter is kinda acceptable since we can't go out play outdoor games.

Shu : Yeah. It's freaking cold we can't survive. Unless someone like Lui.

Lui : Hm?

Dante : I wanna drink something hot!! Sheeh too cold!!

Hyuga : Yeah how about coffee?

Shu : No. Kids aren't allowed to drink coffee.

Lui : Yeah saying some drinks coffee 24/7

Shu : I just have 4 cups.

Valt : I wonder how it taste like?

Free : Its a cursed drink. Which ruins your precious sleep.

Lui : Lol Free can be really funny at times.

Lane, Fubuki, Delta : *the quiet trio* *just watching quietly*

Hyuga, Aiga, Dante : *the noisy trio* *has their own clashes*

Lui, Free, Shu : *the yandere trio* *argues, teases, mocking, blah blah*

Meanwhile little blueberry : *the cutest living being that existed in the planet* num num *chokes on the beybread* *cough cough*

The yandere trio : !!! Valty!!!!

Valt : *cough cough* DX

Shu : *went to get water* I'll be back in a second.

Lui : *rubs valt's back* Oh my, you should be careful babe.

Free : Yeah.

Shu : *returns back to the living* I'm bac- *hit his toe in the door* FUC-

Le innocent beans : *has eagle eyes and cat ears* *stares at the albino*

Shu : Fufufufufu~ *change the curse topic*

Le innocent beans : Aw man.

Shu : *gives the water to valt and heads out in a lightning speed* *outside the house* F***!!!!!!!!! *holding his toe*


Lmaooo this literally happens to mehhh XDD

But my little toe still hurts >:'|

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