Valt's new recipe-

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Valt : *watching some cooking videos* Oh wow! How about I create my own recipe? That's a great idea! I'm gonna surprise everyone with my cooking tonight!

(Zoey : Oof poor them XD )

Valt : first add some water and vegetables and salt! And also the meat! And add spice *Accidentally spills the whole content* OH GOSH!! .......haha it's okay! Lui loves spicy stuff! And finally add some more water and milk. After that add some orange juice. Now some beybreads.

The food : *boiling* *bubbles* *turns purplish red* 

Valt : *wasn't satisfied yet* hmm.. *puts salt and sugar but over did it* the more ingredients the more tasty the food is! *looking inside the fridge* Hmm we have some spinach and some eggs. *put them into the boiling container*

A few minutes later....

Valt : now lets, let it set. In the meantime I go bake some beybreads!

Valt : Prepare the dough! And give them a shape! *sings happily while doing the beybread* *after a while later, he put it in the oven* set the time now :)

At the dinner table.....................................

Shu, Lui, Free, Delta, Fubuki, Lane : Huh-

Aiga, Drum, Hyuga, Hikaru : You cooked the dinner Valt?

Valt : Yep!

The bladers : *internally screaming to death* O-oh...

Valt : Alright guys! Sit down! And wait for the magic!

Lui : There's no helping it now... *clenching his forehead in distress*

Shu : Yes.. guys listen you shouldn't say anything mean to him okay? At least pretend to like it despite how bad the taste is. Please don't hurt his feelings. Got it? *forced smile*

Free : yeah what he says. Valty made this for us.... *trying to convince himself*

Delta, Fubuki, Lane : *sighs* Fine..

Dante, Hyuga : let's do our best not to hurt Valt-senpai!

Hikaru : I should have stayed at Broomhead's place tonight... *regrets his life decisions*

Aiga : He's coming everyone!

Le Everyone : *acts normal*

Valt : I made this with love! Hope you guys will love it! *shows them the ugly looking purplish red something which looks like poisonous slime* *also shows them the full burnt black beybreads*

Free : I suddenly loss my appetite....

Lui : What in the earth is that supposed to be....?

Shu : Haha Guys.. c'mon it's gonna be tasty! *fake laugh*

Dante, Hyuga, Aiga, Hikaru : *plugs their nose* *turns blue*

Fubuki : Y...yeah..

Lane : Fuc-

Delta : Shh!

Valt : What are you guys waiting for? Try it!

The everyone : *looking at the supposed to be food thingy and then at each other nervously* *thinks : Hope we don't die...*

Valt : How is that tastes like? OwO

The everyone : *screams because of the over spicy content*

Dante, Hyuga, Aiga, Hikaru : *Breathes fire* AAHHHHHH!!!!!

Delta, Fubuki, Lane : *coughs*

Shu, Lui, Free : *trying to swallow it since their lovely angel made it for them*

Valt : Hehe.. sorry guys I accidentally put extra spices....

Shu : I-its g-good *has tears because of the spiciness*

The everyone : *staring at shu with wtf face*

Shu : *eats slowly* I love it valty..

The others : *doesn't want to have another bite*

Lui : *gulps* Y..yeah same here... too bad I'm already full or else I would go for seconds *eats the food*

Valt : Thank you guys!!! :D

Free : *sighs* Valty come here.

Valt : yes? Do you want seconds?

Free : *shove the spoon in valt's mouth* I'll feed you baby. Even watching you eat is enough to make me feel full.

Shu and Lui : *coughs* F-FREEE!!!

Free : *smirks* enjoy your dinner.

Valt : *spit the food* AHHH!!! TOO SPICY!!! WATER!!! *gulps down a whole glass of water* WHAT THE HECK IS THIS?!!! AAHH MY MOUTH IS BURNING!!!

The others : Hehe...he...

Valt : *eats his beybread* Num- yuck.. it's not sweet... it's burnt...

Shu and Lui : *still trying to eat the food*

Free : You guys gonna get stomach pain.

Valt : Shu lui don't eat it *tries not to cry*

Fubuki : *eats it* no valt-san its tasty somehow... because you make this for us..

Everyone : *sighs* Yeah.. *take another bite*

Valt : *puppy eyes* Aww you guys are the best!! I love you all!!

Everyone : Hm *trying not to throw up*

Valt : yosh! I'll make the breakfast, lunch and dinner from now on! You guys love my cooking! Someday I'll improve my cooking skills! *having self motivation speech in the background*

The others except valt's boyfriends : *turns white* Huh.... I guess our parents are missing us... how about we go meet them and stay with them for a while..?

Shu, Lui, Free : ............

Valt : *still talking so motivated.* Yes I'll became the best chef in the world and make everyone have tears in their eyes because of how good my cooking is! Hahahaha! I'll became the best of the best!

Lui and Free : I have a bad feeling about it..😖

Shu : *sighs* We have to face it......

Blader's crazy adventures and RandomnessHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin