Pet Catastrophe

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Valt : Yo! We are having a pet! Took me an eternity to convince Shu to allow it tho.

Free : Because you can't take care of yourself and now having a pet doubles up trouble for him.

Lui : True but you gotta need to understand pets are stress relievers.

Free : Damn true.

Valt : Yesh! You guys are really supportive! :D

Shu : *having a headache* Out of you three, I'll be one who needs a pet first. *Stressed mommy noises*

Valt : Aw you can have us!

Lui : Us? Pets? No thank you.

Free : You're a shark not a human, if you're thinking that *smug grin*

Lui : You have any last wish, Love? *Cracks his knuckles with a sweet smile*

Free : *pats Lui* There, don't go around killing people.

Lui : The fuck man? Stop with that stupid pat.

Shu : Valt You should take full responsibility of your pet. I won't take care of it, Did I made myself clear?

Valt : *nods* Yes sir! I'll take good care of it.

Lui : Pfft. Let's see how long it is.

Free : Honestly same.

Shu : And since you two were really supporting him, if he doesn't take care of it you two will be facing the consequences.

Lui : Do you remember us agreeing to take responsibility if that happens?

Free : *shook his head* Nope. We never agreed to that.

Shu : *cracks a small glare* You two have been bugging me for the whole week to allow a pet inside the house.

Valt : Shu! Don't worry I'll take care of it real good!

Shu : I hardly believe you, Valt. But fine. Since Lui and Free seemed too excited than you, so they will pay for their actions.

Lui : *shrugs* whatever.

Free : Valty are you happy now that Shu allowed us to have a pet?

Valt : Yay! We are having a pet! I'm gonna name him Lui jr.

Lui : The fuck

Free : Lol. Nice name.

Shu : Sorry to crack the happy bubble, but it's a she.

Valt : Ooh. Then.. beybread! Or valkyrie!

Lui : You suck with the naming.

Valt : *gasps, offended* what did you sayyy...?

Free : I mean, it will be confusing if you name her Beybread like imagine one day you're hungry and looking for a beybread and you can't find one and so you call Shu-

Shu : Even in imagination I'm the one who's taking care of him?

Free : I'll be on the woods and Lui will be training in his Island. Leaving you home with Valt so makes sense. Back to the story, And you asks for beybread and then pet beybread comes up.

Lui : That will be awful.

Shu : Why don't you name her something else easy to call and sounds cute?

Valt : *thinks so deeply* I see. Okie I'll decide one when I see her!

Lui : Zoey.

Zoey : What?

Free : Where is the pet?

Zoey : What pet?

Valt : Simbaaa!

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