Hooman burrito

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Valt : So today I'm gonna show you how I reduce my chores! Exactly Shu gives all of us our part of works like me have to make the bed for all four of us. Free have to water the garden and stuffs. Lui taking the vessel washing and bathroom cleaning while Shu cleans the living area and he cooks the foods.

Lui : I don't mind doing the works *shrugs*

Free : where is the mosquitoes repellent?! *Shoo the mosquitoes*

Shu : *sprays the anti mosquito spray* There you go.

Valt : Never mind them. First of all making the bed is seriously a big work! Doing it for one bed is fine. But all four is worst that includes folding the thousands of blankets and bed sheets!! I never know we had this much of blankets-

Shu : We have just 30 not thousands.

Valt : But still!! I'm doing it all alone! See my small hands are hurting! (Actually not)

Free : Says someone who uses half of the blankets in the winter mornings.

Lui : Free exposed our Valty lol

Valt : *blushes* That's human tendancy to keep warm and comfy in winters! You can't blame me tho!!

Shu : Aight. You carry on.

Valt : Hm! So how I reduce my works is really simple I just use smart work! *Kinda proud of himself* let me show you how.

Shu, Lui, Free : *sips their tea*

Valt : #Step 1 spread all the blankets in an open area where you can fit all of them.

Shu : Ok?

Valt : #Step 2 once you finished spreading all of them, just start folding it. Like this we can fold all 30 blankets in one go!

Lui : To put it simply you're just stacking all the blankets.

Valt : Sheeh! #Step 3 Now jump on to the pile of blankets and roll. And ta-dah! No wrinkles no creases on the neatly folded blankets! We finished it in just 3 steps!

Free : Bravo! Smart Valty.

In the night :

Lui : *stares at the all folded blankets* I need one but how am I going get it without taking the others?

Free : Simple *gets into blankets* It's comfy like this.

Valt : *Gasps* Hooman burrito!! Lemme join too!!! *Joins the fun*

Shu : Guys please it's 12 am already

Lui : Snowflakes let's go cuddle to keep ourselves warm without blankets. *Takes Shu to the bed*

Shu : *blushes but enjoys it* Lui you're warm

Lui : So do you.

Free : Oi oi turn off the lights.

Valt : Shu and Lui are getting way too closer?

Free : Who cares, we all love each other equally.

Lui : Valty you can join in if you want.

Valt : next time! I love this place now! Hehe I'm a hooman burrito! :3

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