Misunderstanding is hell!!!

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Valt : Lui can I have a seat here?

Lui : *who was sitting on the sofa like a boss* Of course but everything comes with a price *flirty smirk*

Valt : How much? *Takes out his wallet innocently*

Shu : *threw the frying pan at Lui* DON'T TRY HIM SHIROSAGI!

Free : Everything's free like me.

Valt : You're free when you're actually Free (De la hoya) *confused af*

Lui : *throws the frying pan at Shu* YOU BETTER STAY AWAY FROM THIS KURENAI!

Free : Using their surnames..? Ah, they are still mad at each other I see. 

Valt : Can I sit here? *pulls Lui's sleeves*

Lui : What does Ily means Valty.

Valt : I love you..?

Lui : Right, I love you too *makes valt sit on his lap and cuddles him*

Shu : Tsk. Valty don't just sit on another man's lap.

Free : He is not an ordinary man. He's the Shark shirosagi.

Lui : Valty don't listen to some shoe.

Valt : Umm... Can you guys please stop fighting?

Shu : Who are you calling Shoe, Mr. Cocky shark?

Free : *sigh*

Lui : Of course you dumbass.


Free : *pulls Shu* Calm down Shu.

Shu : He start this all, that shark did this all!!

Lui : Oh yeah? If it weren't for you to let that scumbag flirt with you, I wouldn't have did this.

Valt : Huh?

Free : Alright, So you're jealous because of that guy flirting with Shu

Lui : I'm not jealous! I'm pissed off, gonna rip that prick's head and feed him to the sharks.

Shu : And you don't even trust me? You thought I would fall for that guy?!

Valt : Shu will never do that!

Lui : I never said that, you should've kicked that guy on the balls and put him in his place. Instead you let him flirt.

Shu : As if I wanted too *looks away mad*

Free : This isn't Shu's fault. He's just being the victim why don't you comfort him instead of arguing?

Shu : Of course why would he? He never even cared about my feelings anyway. I'm just a servant working in this house 24/7 and a doll for you guys. I don't have any feelings at all.

Valt : Nuuu Shu don't say that, you're the best of the best!! *Hugs Shu and cries*

Lui : *scowls* You're mine..I fear every night that you will leave me someday, when I saw that prick flirting with you I got mad *mumbles*

Shu : I won't leave you stupid.. you're overthinking yourself. And I said it over many times my heart belongs to only you three.

Free : There. It was a misunderstanding all along. Now both of you apologize and forget it.

Valt : Yeah! It's not cool to see you guys fighting!!

Shui : *compromised* *stares at each other awkwardly*

Free : Let me use the magic curse on you two *shook a wand of some sort* Obliviate.

Valt : Didn't they forgot everything now?

Free : Yes.

Shu : What happens?

Lui : No idea *shrugs*

Valt : Wanna watch a movie guys?

Free : Sounds good.

Shui : Yeah sure Valty.


Misunderstandings are really hell I hate it because it ruins the whatever relationship we have on the other person (╥﹏╥)

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