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Another idea for shui [Lol why I keep making ideas when I'm studying and when I'm free I'm not making one.]

Trust me you won't like it.

This is.... Errr....

#2 Ghost AU

So apparently, Shu just moved to beigoma neighborhood and he's going to Rideout academy, as much as it has the good reputation it has this recent case of a dead student staining its history of reputation. Paranormal activities and mysterious things happens in the school premises after night falls. Not even the janitor dares to stay in the school after the sunset. One day, Shu, the new student, was caught with a bunch of bullies and was locked up in the pool. Where he had no clue of the rumours about the school. His first encounter with the ghost.

For some reasons Shu was able to see this person, in fact he realises this person isn't alive but dead. Lui was surprised himself, after ages someone has noticed him. He asked the albino to solve his case. He wanted to know the murderer, in order to leave this earth freely.

At first Shu refused. Any average person would have. But the ghost that accompanies him 24/7, without any option the albino decides to help the white tyrant. Together they traced down the flashbacks as far as Lui remembered,  In the process he fell in love with a ghost. Lui found himself falling for the albino, because all these time no one noticed him but Shu did and the way he wants to help Lui made him develope feelings for the Spryzen blader. After a series of finding the truth, Shu was able to find out the murderer. But he was shocked to know the truth. The culprit behind Lui's death was...


Lui : *drops his coffee cup* ...... So I'm a wandering ghost. Great. Then you gonna make me a zombie or alien.

Me : Hush! Don't say that I luv youu!

Shu : Me falling for a ghost?

Free : Who is the culprit?

Yandere Valt : *loads his gun* Who is that damn bastard imma kill them for killing my boyfriend.

Shu, Free : ʘ‿ʘ???? Valty???

Lui : 💘💘💘💘 my love <:')

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